Surveillance decision

Surveillance decision

We will not update the guideline on physical activity: exercise referral schemes, but will withdraw the following recommendation:

  • Recommendation 3: Public Health England should develop and manage a system to collate local data on exercise referral schemes. This system should:

    • be based on the essential criteria outlined in the Standard Evaluation Framework for physical activity interventions (see recommendation 2)

    • make these data available for analysis and research to inform future practice.

Reasons for the decision

The majority of new evidence was found to be consistent with the current recommendations. We found new evidence on barriers to uptake of exercise referral schemes, however recommendations from other NICE guidelines address these barriers and are already cross-referred to in NICE guideline PH54.

We will withdraw recommendation 3, as it was considered to duplicate content from elsewhere in the guideline (recommendation 2).

For further details and a summary of all evidence identified in surveillance, see appendix A.

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