Appendix B: Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

A The Evidence Review Group (ERG) report for this appraisal was prepared by Kleijnen Systematic Reviews:

  • Riemsma R, Joore M, Grutters J et al. Apixaban for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in people undergoing elective knee and hip replacement surgery, September 2011.

B The following organisations accepted the invitation to participate in this appraisal as consultees and commentators. They were invited to comment on the draft scope. Organisations listed in I were also invited to make written submissions. Organisations listed in II gave their expert views on apixaban by providing a written statement to the Committee. Organisations listed in I, II and III have the opportunity to appeal against the final appraisal determination.

I Manufacturer/sponsor

  • Bristol-Myers Squibb and Pfizer (apixaban)

II Professional/specialist and patient/carer groups:

  • Anticoagulation Europe

  • British Society for Haematology

  • Lifeblood: The Thrombosis Charity

  • Royal College of Anaesthetists

  • Royal College of Nursing

  • Royal College of Pathologists

  • Royal College of Physicians

  • United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association

  • Professor Roger M Atkins (British Orthopaedic Association)

III Other consultees:

  • Department of Health

  • Welsh Assembly Government

IV Commentator organisations (did not provide written evidence and without the right of appeal):

  • Bayer Healthcare

  • Boehringer Ingelheim

  • British National Formulary

  • Commissioning Support Service

  • Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for Northern Ireland

  • Kleijnen Systematic Reviews

  • Leo Laboratories

  • National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme

  • NHS Quality Improvement Scotland

  • Sanofi-aventis

C The following individuals were selected from clinical specialist and patient expert nominations from the non-manufacturer/sponsor consultees and commentators. They gave their expert personal view on apixaban by providing oral evidence to the Committee.

  • Dr Raza Alikhan, Consultant Haematologist, nominated by the Royal College of Pathologists – clinical specialist

  • Annya Stephens-Boal, nominated by Lifeblood: The Thrombosis Charity – patient expert

  • Diane Eaton, nominated by Anticoagulation Europe – patient expert

D Representatives from the following manufacturer/sponsor attended Committee meetings. They contributed only when asked by the Committee chair to clarify specific issues and comment on factual accuracy.

  • Bristol-Myers Squibb

  • Pfizer