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    Literature search strategy


    Date searched


    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews – CDSR (Cochrane Library)


    Issue 2 of 12, February 2022

    Cochrane Central Database of Controlled Trials – CENTRAL (Cochrane Library)


    Issue 2 of 12, February 2022

    International HTA database



    MEDLINE (Ovid)


    1946 to February 24, 2022

    MEDLINE In-Process (Ovid) & MEDLINE ePubs ahead of print (Ovid)


    February 24, 2022

    EMBASE (Ovid)


    1974 to 2022 February 24

    Embase Conference (Ovid)


    1974 to 2022 February 24

    Trial sources searched


    • ISRCTN

    • WHO International Clinical Trials Registry

    Websites searched

    • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

    • NHS England

    • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - MAUDE database

    • Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures – Surgical (ASERNIP – S)

    • Australia and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network (ANZHSN)

    • General internet search

    The following search strategy was used to identify papers in MEDLINE. A similar strategy was used to identify papers in other databases.

    1 Neuroma/ or morton neuroma/ or exp Neurilemmoma/

    2 (neuroma* or neuronal tissue* or neurile?moma* or neurole?moma* or neurinoma* or schwann*).tw.

    3 ((morton* or plantar* or interdigital* or inter-digital* or inter-metatarsal* or intermetatarsal*) adj4 (disease* or disorder* or syndrome* or neuroma* or entrap* or neuralgi* or neuritis* or metatarsalgi* or neuropath* or neurectom*)).tw.

    4 exp Peripheral Nervous System Neoplasms/

    5 ((benign or non-cancer* or noncancer*) adj4 (nerve* or nervous* or neuronal or peripher*) adj4 (tumo?r* or growth* or tissue* or lump* or mass* or lesion* or neoplasm*)).tw.

    6 Neuralgia/ or Neuritis/ or Peripheral Nerve Injuries/ or Peripheral Nerves/

    7 (peripher* adj4 (nerve* or neuropath* or neuritis or neuralgia* or neuraxitis or polyneuritis or pain* or injur* or damage*)).tw.

    8 nerve* cell* tumo?r*.tw.

    9 nerve compression syndromes/

    10 (nerve* adj4 (pinch* or compress* or entrap* or crush*)).tw.

    11 (neuropath* adj4 (entrap* or compress*)).tw.

    12 or/1-11

    13 Cryosurgery/

    14 Ablation Techniques/

    15 Freezing/

    16 ((cryo* or freez* or cold) adj4 (therap* or surg* or ablat* or method* or technique* or procedure* or treatment* or destruct*)).tw.

    17 (cryosurg* or cryoanalgesia or cryoneurolysis or cryoneuroablation or cryoablat* or cryogenic neuroablation or cryogenic denervation or cryotherapy*).tw.

    18 ((freez* adj2 thaw*) or freez* thaw*).tw.

    19 or/13-18

    20 12 and 19

    21 (Visual ICE Cryoablation System* or iovera system* or iovera or Cryocare CS or Westco Neurostat-III cryoneedle* or CryoSystem*).tw.

    22 20 or 21

    23 animals/ not humans/

    24 22 not 23