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    Validity and generalisability of the studies

    • No randomised controlled trials or non-randomised comparative studies were identified.

    • All the studies had small sample sizes, with fewer than 25 patients in each.

    • Three of the studies were retrospective.

    • The studies included different indications and a proportion of patients did not have a neuroma identified as the cause of their pain.

    • One study only included patients with Morton's neuroma (Cazzato 2016) and 1 only included patients with a stump neuroma after limb amputation (von Falck 2022).

    • The longest mean follow up was 27 months (von Falck 2022).

    • In 1 study, 25% of patients were lost to follow up (Cazzato 2016).

    • The studies included different cryotherapy devices and different imaging modalities were used.

    • The use of concomitant pain management therapy may be a confounding variable in these studies.

    • The 5 studies included data from the US, France and Germany.