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    Validity and generalisability of the studies

    • The patient populations were highly similar in the 2 studies (Loo, 2021 was a secondary analysis of McGough, 2019). No studies were identified that included people older than 14.

    • The technique used was highly similar in both studies. As this intervention is parent-applied, there may have been some variability in its application.

    • Both studies had small sample sizes and were conducted by the same group of investigators.

    • One study (McGough, 2019) was an RCT. The blinding in this study appeared adequate.

    • The other study (McGough, 2015) was an open-label trial. Open-label studies may overestimate the treatment effect as participants, parents, and investigators are aware of treatment allocation.

    • Neither study conducted an adjustment for multiple comparisons during statistical analysis. Testing many hypotheses without adjustment for multiple comparisons increases the likelihood of a Type 1 error (false positive).

    • The maximum follow up was 8 weeks.