Information for the public

Information for families or carers of people with antisocial personality disorder

Information for families or carers of people with antisocial personality disorder

Caring for a person with antisocial personality disorder can be difficult and challenging. Depending on the circumstances, families or carers can play an important part in supporting a person with antisocial personality disorder, but they may also need help and support themselves. Healthcare professionals should tell you about any local support groups for families or carers. They should address your needs, particularly the impact of antisocial behaviour and any drug or alcohol problems on you and the rest of the family. Healthcare professionals should also take account of the needs of any children in the family.

It is up to the person with antisocial personality disorder whether they would like families or carers involved in their treatment. They might ask for you to be involved or this might be encouraged by their healthcare professional. But if the person with antisocial personality disorder would prefer to cope on their own, you are still entitled to a carer's assessment and support.

Questions for families or carers

  • Can you give me some information about antisocial personality disorder and its treatments?

  • Am I entitled to be told about the treatment my family member or friend is having?

  • What can I/we do to help and support the person with antisocial personality disorder?

  • Can you give me any information about how to access help and support in a crisis?

  • Is there any additional support that I/we as carer(s) might benefit from or are entitled to?