Information for the public

Who will provide my treatment?

Who will provide my treatment?

You may initially receive treatment from mental health services and other community services. If you are in prison or another institution you can receive treatment there. Your treatment and care may involve many different services so it should be coordinated properly by the people caring for you. You should be told about the different services involved and given information about them.

When you are receiving treatment for antisocial personality disorder you should not usually be transferred to another service or institution during treatment. If you are receiving treatment in prison or another institution, your treatment should continue once you leave the institution.

You should not usually have to stay in hospital for treatment for antisocial personality disorder, unless you experience a crisis, or if you have another condition as well as antisocial personality disorder. If you do need to stay in hospital, this should usually be for a short period only.

Your rights and your relationship with your healthcare team

You should not be excluded from any services because of a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder or if you have a history of antisocial or offending behaviour.

Any information about antisocial personality disorder should be provided in your preferred language, as should psychological therapy and other treatments. Interpreters should be arranged if needed.

Your healthcare team should work with you to help you to make your own decisions about your treatment options and goals. You should be encouraged and supported to find solutions to your problems, even during a crisis.

Your healthcare team should build a relationship with you based on hope, optimism and trust, and explain that recovery is possible. Healthcare professionals should be non-judgemental, consistent and reliable.