5 Committee members and NICE project team

Committee members

This topic was considered by the NICE's diagnostics advisory committee which is a standing advisory committee of NICE.

Committee members are asked to declare any interests in the technologies to be evaluated. If it is considered there is a conflict of interest, the member is excluded from participating further in that evaluation. 

The minutes of the diagnostics advisory committee meetings, which include the names of the members who attended and their declarations of interests, are posted on the NICE website. 

Specialist committee members

Additional specialist committee members took part in the discussions and provided expert advice for this topic:

Ms Katherine Barrett
Lay specialist committee member

Professor Tim Betts
Consultant cardiologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Rudolf Cardinal
Associate professor of clinical informatics; honorary consultant liaison psychiatrist, University of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr George Crowther
Consultant old age liaison psychiatrist, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Miss Felicity Sandys-Wood
Lay specialist committee member

Dr Mani Santhanakrishnan
Consultant in old age psychiatry, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Muzahir Tayebjee
Consultant cardiologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Ms Emma Thompson
Service development manager, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust

NICE project team

Jacob Grant and Suvi Härmälä
Topic leads

Frances Nixon
Technical adviser

Donna Barnes and Harriet Wilson
Project managers

ISBN: 978-1-4731-5366-0