Information for the public

Making decisions about your medicines

Making decisions about your medicines

You should have the opportunity to be involved in making decisions about your medicines if this is what you would like. Your health professional should discuss with you the different treatment options, how the medicines are likely to help you, and any side effects you may expect. They should use the best available evidence when discussing medicines with you. They should also ask you what is important to you about managing your condition and your medicines and take into account your values and preferences when making a decision about your treatment with you.

Your health professional may suggest using a 'patient decision aid' with you (or your family members or carers), if one exists for your treatment and they think it would help you. A patient decision aid is a tool that can be used during an appointment with your health professional to help you weigh up the risks and benefits of treatments depending on your health, lifestyle and preferences. Health professionals should always discuss treatments with you and should not suggest that the decision aid is used instead of a discussion.

You may need to have more than 1 appointment to help you make a decision about your medicines. You should be able to talk about your decision again and be able to change your mind, particularly if your health or circumstances change.

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