Information for the public

Moving between hospital and home when you have a mental health problem – the care you should expect

Moving between hospital and home when you have a mental health problem – the care you should expect

This information explains the care that NICE has said works best for people of any age who need to go into hospital because of a mental health problem. It looks especially at what care and support a person should have when they come into hospital and when they leave.

It will help you, your family and carers know what to expect from health and care services.

Why is this important for you?

NICE aims to help people get the best possible care no matter who they are or where they live. The NICE advice seeks to:

  • help doctors and other healthcare staff give you the right support when you come into hospital

  • make sure staff involve you in decisions about your treatment and care

  • make sure you (and anyone who cares for you) get the right support when you leave.

For further information see where can I find out more?

Your healthcare team should know what NICE has said. Talk to them if you don't think you are getting the care NICE has said you should have.

  • Information Standard