Information for the public

Will this help me?

Will this help me?

Usually health problems are dealt with one by one, but if you are finding it hard to manage with your different health problems it can help to look at all your treatments and care together.

NICE had said that GPs should think about doing this if you:

  • need to see lots of different healthcare professionals, who may be in different places such as GP surgeries, clinics or hospitals

  • have both physical and mental health problems

  • have had more than 1 fall

  • often need unplanned or emergency care

  • find it hard to cope with all your tests and treatments, including medicines, physiotherapy and therapies for mental health or other problems

  • need to take a lot of medicines regularly (for example, more than 10).

In one of your routine appointments your GP might ask if you would like to review your overall care. They may do this if you are taking a lot of medicines regularly or are having a lot of unplanned or emergency care. If you are worried, you can ask your GP about whether a special appointment to talk about your care would help.

  • Information Standard