Appendix E Supporting documents

Appendix E Supporting documents

Supporting documents include the following.

  • Evidence reviews:

    • Review 1: 'Systematic review and narrative synthesis of the effectiveness of local interventions to promote cycling and walking for recreational and travel purposes', and 'Evidence statements on the effectiveness of local interventions to promote cycling and walking for recreational and travel purposes'

    • Review 2: 'Synthesis of evidence relating to barriers and facilitators to implementing interventions that promote cycling and walking, and to carrying out cycling and walking for recreational and travel purposes'.

  • Economic modeling: 'Interventions to promote cycling and walking for recreational and travel purposes: Health economic and modelling report'.

  • Expert papers:

    • Expert paper 1 'Paving the way for everyday walking: Living Streets interventions and public health'

    • Expert paper 2 'Making walking and cycling normal: key findings from the understanding walking and cycling research project'

    • Expert paper 3 'Programmes to promote cycling – evidence for NICE from CTC'

    • Expert paper 4 'Evidence to NICE PDG walking and cycling: experience from Bristol City Council and cycling city (2008–2011)'

    • Expert paper 5 'Submission to the NICE programme development group on walking and cycling'

    • Expert paper 6 'Effectiveness of interventions to increase cycling'.