Suspected cancer (update): appendices

Guide to Appendices


Supporting Evidence 1:

  1. Appendices A to E
  2. Appendix G: research strategies
  3. Appendix H: review protocols
  4. Appendix I: excluded health economic papers


Supporting Evidence 2

  1. Appendix F: evidence review part 1


Supporting Evidence 3

  1. Appendix F: evidence review part 2


Supporting Evidence 4

  1. Appendix J1: sections from NICE clinical guideline 27 full version that have been removed
  2. Appendix J2: sections from NICE clinical guideline 27 evidence review that have been removed
  3. Appendix J3: sections from NICE clinical guideline 27 health economics and example search strategy that have been removed
  4. Appendix J4: recommendations from NICE clinical guideline 8 27 (2005) that have been deleted or changed



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This page was last updated: 24 July 2015