We produce guidelines and standards for adults’ and children’s social care.
To help you quickly find content you can use in your training, we've mapped our guidance to the most popular topics.
Benefits of using our guidance in your training
- we make sure our guidance is kept up to date
- our guidance and resources are free use and to download
- our guidance is designed to improve the quality of care
- the content is based on what's been proven to work
- our guidance is developed by experts, including people who use services.
Guidance on popular topics
Use these dropdowns to view guidance and advice that directly relates to our most popular topics within adults' and children's social care.


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Fluids and nutrition
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Healthy workplaces

Infection prevention and control

Learning disability
View/hide related guidance
- Learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges: service design and delivery (guideline NG93)
- Care and support of people growing older with learning disabilities (guideline NG96)
- Mental health problems in people with learning disabilities: prevention, assessment and management (guideline NG54)
- Learning disabilities: identifying and managing mental health problems (quality standard QS142)
- Prevention and interventions for people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges (guideline NG11)
- Learning disabilities: challenging behaviour (quality standard QS101)

Medicines management and health related activity
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- Managing medicines in care homes (guideline SC1)
- Managing medicines in care homes (quality standard QS85)
- Managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community (guideline NG67)
- Oral health for adults in care homes (guideline NG48)
- Oral health for adults in care homes (quality standard QS151)
- Pressure ulcers (guideline CG179)
- Pressure ulcers (quality standard QS89)

Mental health
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- Depression in adults: recognition and management (guideline CG90)
- Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes (quality standard QS50)
- Mental wellbeing and independence for older people (quality standard QS137)
- Transition between inpatient mental health settings and community or care home settings (guideline NG53)
- Transition between inpatient mental health settings and community or care home settings (quality standard QS159)
- Coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse: community health and social care services (guideline NG58)
- Mental health of adults in contact with the criminal justice system (guideline NG66)
- Mental health of adults in contact with the criminal justice system (quality standard QS163)
- Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings (guideline NG10)
- Violent and aggressive behaviours in people with mental health problems (quality standard QS154)
- Depression in children and young people: identification and management (guideline CG28)
- Depression in children and young people (quality standard QS48)

Privacy and dignity

Quality and leadership
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- Home care: delivering personal care and practical support to older people living in their own homes (guideline NG21)
- Home for older people (quality standard QS123)
- Intermediate care including reablement (guideline NG74)
- Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs (guideline NG27)

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- Domestic violence and abuse: multi-agency working (guideline PH50)
- Domestic violence and abuse (quality standard QS116)
- Delivering personal care and practical support to older people living in their own homes (guideline NG21)
- Drug misuse prevention (quality standard QS165)
- Child abuse and neglect (guideline NG76)
- Harmful sexual behaviour among children and young people (guideline NG55)
- Looked-after children and young people (guideline PH28)
- Looked-after children and young people (quality standard QS31)
- Social and emotional wellbeing: early years (guideline PH40)

Work in a person-centred way
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Further resources
Our guidance
A complete list of our social care guidance and quality standards.
- guidelines: include recommendations for practice.
- quality standards: contain statements designed to support quality improvement (can be linked to Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection framework).
Social care quick guides
Easy access to our information on social care topics.
These guides are:
- short
- visually appealing
- designed for social care audiences
- ideal for use in staff training
- free to download and use.
Quality and CQC inspections
Download our quality improvement resource. It can help you to find individual quality statements and medicines recommendations, mapped against CQC adult social care framework key lines of enquiry.
The resource is an independent source of guidance on practical ways to improve quality. Our guidance is drawn from current evidence-based research. This means you can be confident that it's based on the best available evidence.
Subscribe to NICE in social care
Sign up for 'NICE news for health and social care' our free monthly e-bulletin. It includes links to relevant new guidance.
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The reputation NICE has says it all. When we refer to NICE guidance in our training people listen and respect it.Curve Learning and Development
Get in touch
We'd love to hear your feedback about our guidance and resources in relation to your work. Email us at socialcare@nice.org.uk.