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The NICE indicator menu includes general practice and CCG level indicators by clinical area.

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About NICE Indicators

Accident & emergency services

Adult social care

Proportion of people who use services and their carers, who reported that they had as much social contact as they would like (Part 2 - Carers)

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00414 National Library Indicator

The proportion of people who use services and carers who find it easy to find information about support (people who use services)

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00422 National Library Indicator

The proportion of people who use services and carers who find it easy to find information about support (carers)

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00423 National Library Indicator

The proportion of people who use adult social care services and who feel safe

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00424 National Library Indicator

The proportion of people who use services who say that those services have made them feel safe and secure

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00425 National Library Indicator

Alcohol use

Emergency admissions for alcohol related liver disease

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00116 National Library Indicator

Alcohol-specific hospital admissions

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00332 National Library Indicator

Emergency alcohol-specific readmission to any hospital within 30 days of discharge following an alcohol-specific admission

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00333 National Library Indicator

The percentage of patients with one or more of the following conditions: CHD, atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, stroke or TIA, diabetes or dementia who have been screened for hazardous drinking using the FAST or AUDIT-C tool in the preceding 2 years.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM180 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with one or more of the following conditions: CHD, atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, stroke or TIA, diabetes or dementia with a FAST score of 3 or more or AUDIT-C score of 5 or more in the preceding 2 years who have received brief intervention to help them reduce their alcohol related risk within 3 months of the score being recorded

View indicator details NICE id code: NM181 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

Angina and coronary heart disease

Referrals to cardiac rehabilitation following an admission for coronary heart disease

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00428 National Library Indicator

Completion of cardiac rehabilitation following an admission for coronary heart disease

View indicator details NICE id code: IAP00430 National Library Indicator

The percentage of patients with coronary heart disease, stroke or transient ischemic attack, diabetes and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who have influenza immunisation in the preceding 1 August and 31 March

View indicator details NICE id code: NM122 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients registered at the practice aged 65 years and over who have been diagnosed with one or more of the following conditions: coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, CKD, PAD, or stroke/TIA who have had a pulse rhythm assessment in the preceding 12 months.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM146 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with one or more of the following conditions: CHD, atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, stroke or TIA, diabetes or dementia who have been screened for hazardous drinking using the FAST or AUDIT-C tool in the preceding 2 years.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM180 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with one or more of the following conditions: CHD, atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, stroke or TIA, diabetes or dementia with a FAST score of 3 or more or AUDIT-C score of 5 or more in the preceding 2 years who have received brief intervention to help them reduce their alcohol related risk within 3 months of the score being recorded

View indicator details NICE id code: NM181 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients aged 79 years or under with coronary heart disease in whom the last blood pressure reading (measured in the preceding 12 months) is less than 135/85 mmHg if using ambulatory or home monitoring, or less than 140/90 mmHg if monitored in clinic

View indicator details NICE id code: NM225 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients aged 80 years or over with coronary heart disease in whom the last blood pressure reading (measured in the preceding 12 months) is less than 145/85 mmHg if using ambulatory or home monitoring, or less than 150/90 mmHg if monitored in clinic

View indicator details NICE id code: NM226 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients with coronary heart disease

View indicator details NICE id code: NM235 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with coronary heart disease who have had influenza immunisation in the preceding 1 August to 31 March

View indicator details NICE id code: NM87 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

The percentage of patients with coronary heart disease with a record in the preceding 12 months that aspirin, an alternative anti-platelet therapy, or an anti-coagulant is being taken

View indicator details NICE id code: NM88 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF

Atrial fibrillation

Proportion of patients admitted to hospital for stroke with a pre-existing diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, who were on anticoagulation

View indicator details NICE id code: CCG55 Clinical Commissioning Group indicator

Proportion of patients admitted to hospital for stroke with a pre-existing diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, who were not on anticoagulation

View indicator details NICE id code: CCG56 Clinical Commissioning Group indicator

The percentage of patients registered at the practice aged 65 years and over who have been diagnosed with one or more of the following conditions: coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, CKD, PAD, or stroke/TIA who have had a pulse rhythm assessment in the preceding 12 months.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM146 GP Indicator suitable for use in QOF