About QOF

The indicators listed here have been developed through the NICE Indicator development process and have been deemed appropriate to be considered for inclusion in the QOF.

This NICE menu of QOF indicators is a full list of indicators that have been developed by NICE.

NHS England and the UK devolved administrations will use the NICE QOF menu to help decide which indicators are included in the QOF within their countries.


Cardiovascular disease – primary prevention

In those patients aged between 25 and 84 years, with a new diagnosis of hypertension or type 2 diabetes recorded in the preceding 12 months (excluding those with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, familial hypercholesterolaemia or type 1 diabetes), who have a recorded cardiovascular risk assessment score of more than 20% in the preceding 12 months: the percentage who are currently treated with statins (unless there is a contraindication)

View indicator details NICE id code: NM133

The percentage of patients aged between 25 and 84 years with a new diagnosis of hypertension or type 2 diabetes, recorded in the preceding 12 months (excluding those with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, familial hypercholesterolaemia or type 1 diabetes) who have had a consultation for full formal cardiovascular disease risk assessment between 3 months before or 3 months after date of diagnosis.

View indicator details NICE id code: NM132