Ridaforolimus for the maintenance treatment of metastatic soft tissue or bone sarcoma
Following on from information provided to NICE by the company in February 2013, the appraisal of Ridaforolimus for the maintenance treatment of metastatic soft tissue or bone sarcoma [ID415] was suspended from NICE’s work programme. As no further information has been received from the company the topic has been discontinued.
Status Discontinued
Technology type Medicine
Decision Selected
Process TA
ID number 415
Referral date 01 September 2011
Topic area
  • Cancer

Provisional Schedule

Closing date for invited submissions / evidence submission: TBC
1st appraisal committee meeting: TBC

Project Team

Communications manager: TBC
Executive Lead: TBC
Project manager: Kate Moore
Technical Lead: TBC

Email enquiries


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
10 November 2022 Discontinued. Following on from information provided to NICE by the company in February 2013, the appraisal of Ridaforolimus for the maintenance treatment of metastatic soft tissue or bone sarcoma [ID415] was suspended from NICE’s work programme. As no further information has been received from the company the topic has been discontinued.
5 February 2013

NICE have been informed by the manufacturer of ridaforolimus that the Marketing Authorisation application for ridaforolimus with the EMA has been withdrawn. View further information.

This appraisal consequently remains suspended and NICE will continue to monitor any developments.

31 May 2012 The manufacturer of ridaforolimus has informed us that they will not provide an evidence submission for this appraisal. NICE has therefore suspended this appraisal.

For further information on our processes and methods, please see our CHTE processes and methods manual