Recommendations for research

The guideline committee has made the following recommendations for research.

1 Differing intervention effects in different groups

How do the same shared decision-making interventions differ in effectiveness between different groups of people and different care settings?

For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on putting shared decision making into practice.

Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review B: interventions to support effective shared decision making.

2 Measuring shared decision making

What are the best ways to measure the effectiveness of shared decision making in different contexts (in different settings and involving different people)?

For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on putting shared decision making into practice.

Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review B: interventions to support effective shared decision making.

3 Sustaining shared decision making

What interventions are most effective at transferring shared decision-making skills between people and departments, and in sustaining the implementation of shared decision making in an organisation and in clinical teams?

4 Acceptability of shared decision making

What influences the acceptability of shared decision making in populations that predominantly believe in the authority of the healthcare professional?

For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on putting shared decision making into practice.

Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review B: interventions to support effective shared decision making.

5 Shared decision making in remote discussions

How do shared decision-making skills and techniques need to be modified for remote discussions?

For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on putting shared decision making into practice.

Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review B: interventions to support effective shared decision making.