After considering the feedback from consultation, the committee has prepared the final draft guideline on overweight and obesity management.
The final draft guideline is being made available to enable registered stakeholders to highlight any substantive errors, and to prepare for publication and implementation of the final guideline.
Guideline documents:
Final draft guideline on overweight and obesity
Supporting documents
- Equality and health inequalities assessment (downloadable version)
- Evidence review D
- Evidence review E
- Evidence review F
- Evidence review G
- Evidence review H
- Evidence review I
- Methods chapter
- Draft guideline consultation comments and responses
- Diet interventions economic report
- Inequality report
Guideline supplements:
- Visual summary - Care pathway
- Visual summary - Principles of care
- Recommendation tracker
- Acknowledgements
Stakeholders who commented at consultation have 10 working days to notify us of any substantive errors. It is not an opportunity to comment further on the guideline, or to comment on the responses given to stakeholders.
Please note that the deadline to notify us of any factual errors is 5pm on Thursday 19th December.
The final guideline and responses to stakeholder comments are expected to be published on Tuesday 14th January.
See also, the final draft guidance on tirzepatide for overweight and obesity.
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