Appendix E: Supporting documents

Appendix E: Supporting documents

Supporting documents include:

  • Evidence reviews:

    • Review 1: 'Providing public information to prevent skin cancer'.

    • Review 2: 'Synthesis of the West Midland health technology assessment collaboration reports: providing public health information to prevent skin cancer: review of effectiveness and cost effectiveness (dated February 2009) and addendum (dated May 2009) – including before and after studies'

    • Review 3: 'Providing public information to prevent skin cancer: barriers to and facilitators to conveying information to prevent the first occurrence of skin cancer: a systematic review of qualitative literature'

    • Review 4: 'Sun protection resources and environmental changes to prevent skin cancer: a systematic review'

    • Review 5: 'Sun protection resources and changes to the environment to prevent skin cancer: qualitative evidence review'.

  • Economic modelling:

    • Report 1: 'Providing public health information to prevent skin cancer: modelling strategies for primary prevention of skin cancer'

    • Report 2: 'Economic analysis to inform the development of NICE public health intervention guidance on information, sun protection resources and physical changes to the environment to prevent skin cancer (phase 2)'.

  • Expert papers:

    • Expert paper 1: 'A summary of key messages to be included in public information resources for the primary prevention of skin cancer'

    • Expert paper 2: 'Summary of current policy drivers and national practice overview'

    • Expert paper 3: 'National campaigns (UK and worldwide)'

    • Expert paper 4: 'Vitamin D'

    • Expert paper 5: 'Physical activity and the school environment'

    • Expert paper 6: 'Outdoor workers and sports participants – sun protection challenges'

    • Expert paper 7: 'The impact of role models on sun protection behaviours'.