NICE recognises the challenges commissioners face in managing competing priorities with limited budgets.
If you’re responsible for planning, prioritising, purchasing and monitoring health, public health and social care services, we’re here to support you. By balancing best care with value for money, we can help you achieve the best health outcomes for the communities you serve.
Priority areas for quality improvement
We identify priority areas for quality improvement that will have the greatest impact. NICE quality standards can help improve the quality of the services you commission and support quality assurance and monitoring. You can use quality standards across a range of commissioning activities including:
- developing frameworks for quality assurance
- identifying gaps in services, benchmarking and monitoring changes
- identifying support or changes needed to improve services
- setting key performance indicators and monitoring performance
- evidencing service quality for regulators.
Reducing health
Reducing health inequalities is part of our DNA. By incorporating NICE guidance into your work, you can ensure the services you commission reduce inequalities and unwarranted variation.
Our health inequalities web resource directs you to NICE-recommended, evidence-based approaches to address health inequalities.
We’ve set these within the context of national priorities and aligned them with recognised health inequalities frameworks, including Labonte and NHS England’s Core20PLUS5.
Making effective use of resources
We scan the horizon, identifying transformational care for today and tomorrow. Our resource planning tools detail published NICE guidance and topics planned for the future. We also provide tools to help you prepare, assessing the local impact of putting NICE guidance into practice. You can use them to:
- view upcoming guidance
- consider resource impact estimates for implementing upcoming guidance for the population in your local area
- understand the resource impact of published guidance.
Contact us
The NICE field team works with organisations to help put our guidance into practice. To discuss how we can support you to plan, prioritise and monitor services, contact the team in your area.