Search strategy

Search strategy

Database: Medline

Platform: Ovid

Version: 1946 to November Week 1 2016

Search date: 15th November 2016

Number of results retrieved: 45

Search strategy:

1 Rituximab/ (11512)

2 (13753)

3 (145)

4 (245)

5 (0)

6 (1)

7 (66)

8 "idec 102".tw. (0)

9 or/1-8 (16007)

10 scleroderma, localized/ or exp scleroderma, systemic/ (21564)

11 ((Cutaneous or skin or locali?ed or linear or Reynaud*) and (scleroderma or sclerosis or dermatosclerosis or schleroderma or sclerodermia)).tw. (10939)

12 "CREST syndrome".tw. (485)

13 "CRST syndrome".tw. (83)

14 CREST syndrome/ (361)

15 (994)

16 or/10-15 (27199)

17 9 and 16 (99)

18 Randomized Controlled (468919)

19 Controlled Clinical (95017)

20 Clinical (527305)

21 exp Clinical Trials as Topic/ (322830)

22 Placebos/ (35340)

23 Random Allocation/ (95079)

24 Double-Blind Method/ (147613)

25 Single-Blind Method/ (24504)

26 Cross-Over Studies/ (42542)

27 ((random* or control* or clinical*) adj3 (trial* or stud*)).tw. (937165)

28 (random* adj3 allocat*).tw. (25232)

29 placebo*.tw. (182617)

30 ((singl* or doubl* or trebl* or tripl*) adj (blind* or mask*)).tw. (144509)

31 (crossover* or (cross adj over*)).tw. (67777)

32 or/18-31 (1679657)

33 animals/ not humans/ (4633315)

34 32 not 33 (1563660)

35 Observational Studies as Topic/ (1982)

36 Observational Study/ (29933)

37 Epidemiologic Studies/ (7944)

38 exp Case-Control Studies/ (875337)

39 exp Cohort Studies/ (1711708)

40 Cross-Sectional Studies/ (254408)

41 Controlled Before-After Studies/ (204)

42 Historically Controlled Study/ (86)

43 Interrupted Time Series Analysis/ (256)

44 Comparative (1881171)

45 case control*.tw. (101086)

46 case (44147)

47 (cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. (124717)

48 cohort analy*.tw. (5108)

49 (follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. (42331)

50 (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. (60998)

51 (178711)

52 (424241)

53 (335894)

54 cross (219603)

55 or/35-54 (3966064)

56 34 or 55 (4885965)

57 17 and 56 (47)

58 57 (47)

59 limit 58 to english language (45)

Database: Medline in-process; epubs ahead of print; daily update

Platform: Ovid

Version: 14th November 2016 (all segments)

Search date: 15th November 2016

Number of results retrieved: 14

Search strategy:

1 Rituximab/ (13)

2 (2277)

3 (14)

4 (21)

5 (0)

6 (0)

7 (4)

8 "idec 102".tw. (0)

9 or/1-8 (2284)

10 scleroderma, localized/ or exp scleroderma, systemic/ (6)

11 ((Cutaneous or skin or locali?ed or linear or Reynaud*) and (scleroderma or sclerosis or dermatosclerosis or schleroderma or sclerodermia)).tw. (1113)

12 "CREST syndrome".tw. (22)

13 "CRST syndrome".tw. (0)

14 CREST syndrome/ (0)

15 (130)

16 or/10-15 (1219)

17 9 and 16 (14)

Database: Embase

Platform: Ovid

Version: 1974 to 2016 November 14th

Search date: 15th November 2016

Number of results retrieved: 175

Search strategy:

1 *rituximab/ (15177)

2 (30414)

3 (1938)

4 (2820)

5 (43)

6 (31)

7 (131)

8 "idec 102".tw. (1)

9 or/1-8 (34483)

10 exp scleroderma/ (37291)

11 ((Cutaneous or skin or locali?ed or linear or Reynaud*) and (scleroderma or sclerosis or dermatosclerosis or schleroderma or sclerodermia)).tw. (18396)

12 "CREST syndrome".tw. (639)

13 "CRST syndrome".tw. (111)

14 syndrome CREST/ (917)

15 (1509)

16 morphea/ (1847)

17 or/10-16 (45566)

18 9 and 17 (366)

19 exp Clinical Trials/ (265516)

20 Randomization/ (83378)

21 Placebo/ (326444)

22 Double Blind Procedure/ (137888)

23 Single Blind Procedure/ (27187)

24 Crossover Procedure/ (53801)

25 ((random* or control* or clinical*) adj3 (trial* or stud*)).tw. (1293864)

26 (random* adj3 allocat*).tw. (33821)

27 placebo*.tw. (248731)

28 ((singl* or doubl* or trebl* or tripl*) adj (blind* or mask*)).tw. (196094)

29 (crossover* or (cross adj over*)).tw. (85728)

30 or/19-29 (1741666)

31 nonhuman/ not human/ (3697567)

32 30 not 31 (1683657)

33 Clinical study/ (252506)

34 Case control study/ (122629)

35 Family study/ (27689)

36 Longitudinal study/ (105450)

37 Retrospective study/ (513655)

38 comparative study/ (740593)

39 Prospective study/ (385948)

40 Randomized controlled trials/ (124434)

41 39 not 40 (381226)

42 Cohort analysis/ (300633)

43 cohort analy*.tw. (7780)

44 (Cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. (178783)

45 (Case control* adj (study or studies)).tw. (102954)

46 (follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. (53520)

47 (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. (100810)

48 (epidemiologic* adj (study or studies)).tw. (88909)

49 (cross sectional adj (study or studies)).tw. (131065)

50 case (67040)

51 (626064)

52 (572552)

53 or/33-38,41-52 (2964212)

54 32 or 53 (4121131)

55 18 and 54 (182)

56 55 (182)

57 limit 56 to english language (175)

Database: Cochrane Library – incorporating Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR); DARE; CENTRAL; HTA database; NHS EED

Platform: Ovid


  • CDSR – 11 of 12, November 2016

  • DARE – 2 of 4, April 2015 (legacy database)

  • CENTRAL – 10 of 12, October 2016

  • HTA – 4 of 4, October 2016

  • NHS EED – 2 of 4, April 2015 (legacy database)

Search date: 14th November 2016

Number of results retrieved: CDSR – 0; DARE – 0; CENTRAL – 8; HTA – 0; NHS EED – 0.

Search strategy:

ID Search

#1 MeSH descriptor: [Rituximab] explode all trees

#2 rituximab:ti,ab

#3 mabthera:ti,ab

#4 rituxan:ti,ab

#5 reditux:ti,ab

#6 rituxin:ti,ab

#7 c2b8:ti,ab

#8 "idec 102":ti,ab

#9 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8

#10 MeSH descriptor: [Scleroderma, Localized] explode all trees

#11 MeSH descriptor: [Scleroderma, Systemic] explode all trees

#12 ((Cutaneous or skin or localised or localized or linear or Reynaud*) and (scleroderma or sclerosis or dermatosclerosis or schleroderma or sclerodermia)):ti,ab

#13 "CREST syndrome":ti,ab

#14 "CRST syndrome":ti,ab

#15 MeSH descriptor: [CREST Syndrome] explode all trees

#16 morphea:ti,ab

#17 #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16

#18 #9 and #17