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Advice programme

Showing 51 to 60 of 321

Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
HealthVCF for detecting vertebral compression fractures on CT scansMIB267
trublood-prostate for triaging and diagnosing people with prostate cancer symptomsMIB268
AI technologies for detecting diabetic retinopathyMIB265
Acumen IQ sensor for predicting hypotension riskMIB266
SYNE-COV for predicting COVID-19 outcomesMIB264
WoundExpress to manage lower leg woundsMIB261
KODEX-EPD for cardiac imaging during ablation of arrhythmiasMIB260
Axonics sacral neuromodulation system for faecal incontinenceMIB259
microINR for anticoagulation therapyMIB257
RenalSense Clarity RMS for acute kidney injuryMIB256

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