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Advice programme

Showing 1 to 10 of 323

Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
24/7 EEG SubQ for epilepsyMIB277
Accuro for guiding epidural or spinal anaesthesiaMIB245
AccuVein AV400 for vein visualisationMIB6
Acoustic CR Neuromodulation for adults with chronic subjective tonal tinnitusMIB5
AcQMap for mapping the heart atria to target ablation treatment for arrhythmiasMIB246
Actim Pancreatitis for diagnosing acute pancreatitisMIB218
Active B12 assay for diagnosing vitamin B12 deficiencyMIB40
Acumen IQ sensor for predicting hypotension riskMIB266
AdenoPlus point-of-care test for diagnosing adenoviral conjunctivitisMIB46
ADXBLADDER for detecting bladder cancerMIB180

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