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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 46 to 60 of 80 results for fistula

  1. Living-donor lung transplantation for end-stage lung disease (IPG170)

    Evidence-based recommendations on living-donor lung transplantation for end-stage lung disease. This involves removing a lung from each of the two donors and replacing the recipient's lungs with the donor lungs.

  2. Intralesional photocoagulation of subcutaneous congenital vascular disorders (IPG90)

    Evidence-based recommendations on intralesional photocoagulation of subcutaneous congenital vascular disorders. This involves inserting a laser fibre into the lesion to deliver the light deep within it.

  3. Haemorrhoidal artery ligation (IPG342)

    Evidence-based recommendations on haemorrhoidal artery ligation. This involves tying the blood vessels and folding up the inside lining of the bowel to reduce blood supply to the haemorrhoids and make them shrink.

  4. Microwave ablation for primary or metastatic cancer in the lung (IPG716)

    Evidence-based recommendations on microwave ablation for primary or metastatic cancer in the lung in adults. This involves inserting a probe into the lung, through the skin of the chest, to send microwaves into the cancer cells. This produces heat, aiming to destroy the cancer (ablation).

  5. Thoracoscopic epicardial radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation (IPG286)

    Evidence-based recommendations on thoracoscopic epicardial radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation. This involves using heat to destroy the selected areas of the heart to prevent the occurrence or conduction of abnormal electrical activity.

  6. Complete cytoreduction for pseudomyxoma peritonei (Sugarbaker technique) (IPG56)

    Evidence-based recommendations on complete cytoreduction for pseudomyxoma peritonei (Sugarbaker technique). This involves complete surgical tumour removal with intraoperative heated chemotherapy, and is followed by postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy.

  7. Photodynamic therapy for localised inoperable endobronchial cancer (IPG137)

    Evidence-based recommendations on photodynamic therapy (PDT) for localised inoperable endobronchial cancer (non-small-cell lung cancer). This involves injecting a photosensitising agent into the body that is activated by laser light to destroy the cancerous tissue.

  8. Laparoscopic nephrolithotomy and pyelolithotomy (IPG212)

    Evidence-based recommendations on laparoscopic nephrolithotomy and pyelolithotomy. This involves inserting a tube through small cuts in the abdomen (keyhole surgery) to remove the kidney stones.

  9. Irreversible electroporation for treating primary lung cancer and metastases in the lung (IPG441)

    Evidence-based recommendations on irreversible electroporation for treating primary lung cancer and metastases in the lung. This involves using electrical pulses to kill cancer cells.

  10. Percutaneous (non-thoracoscopic) epicardial catheter radiofrequency ablation for ventricular tachycardia (IPG295)

    Evidence-based recommendations on percutaneous (non-thoracoscopic) epicardial catheter radiofrequency ablation for ventricular tachycardia. This involves using heat to destroy selected areas of the heart to prevent the occurrence or conduction of abnormal electrical activity.

  11. Photodynamic therapy for early-stage oesophageal cancer (IPG200)

    Evidence-based recommendations on photodynamic therapy for early-stage oesophageal cancer. This involves injecting a photosensitising agent into the tumour which is then activated by a light to destroy the tumour cells.

  12. Autologous pancreatic islet cell transplantation for improved glycaemic control after pancreatectomy (IPG274)

    Evidence-based recommendations on autologous pancreatic islet cell transplantation for improved glycaemic control after pancreatectomy. This involves removing parts of the pancreas (islet cells) after the pancreas has been removed and inserting them into the liver to restart insulin production.

  13. Focal therapy using cryoablation for localised prostate cancer (IPG423)

    Evidence-based recommendations on focal therapy using cryoablation for localised stage prostate cancer. This involves using freezing (cryotherapy) needles to find and destroy only the cancerous part of the prostate.

  14. Percutaneous balloon cryoablation for pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation (IPG427)

    Evidence-based recommendations on percutaneous balloon cryoablation for pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation. This involves using a probe attached to a balloon catheter to freeze tissue in one of the chambers on the left side of the heart.

  15. ThermoCool SmartTouch catheter for percutaneous radiofrequency ablation in atrial fibrillation (MIB61)

    NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the ThermoCool SmartTouch catheter for percutaneous radiofrequency ablation in atrial fibrillation