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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 1 to 15 of 321 results for falls

  1. Falls in older people: assessing risk and prevention (CG161)

    This guideline covers assessment of fall risk and interventions to prevent falls in people aged 65 and over. It aims to reduce the risk and incidence of falls and the associated distress, pain, injury, loss of confidence, loss of independence and mortality.

  2. Falls in older people (QS86)

    This quality standard covers prevention of falls and assessment after a fall in older people (aged 65 and over) who are living in the community or staying in hospital. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  3. Falls: assessment and prevention in older people and people 50 and over at higher risk (update)

    In development [GID-NG10228] Expected publication date: 26 March 2025

  4. QTUG for assessing falls risk and frailty (MIB73)

    NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the Quantitative Timed Up and Go (QTUG)

  5. Hip fracture: falls risk assessment (IND15)

    This indicator covers the proportion of people with hip fracture, who receive a multifactorial risk assessment of future falls risk. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as CCG22

  6. Multiple long-term conditions: falls risk assessment (IND208)

    This indicator covers the percentage of patients (aged 65 years and over) with moderate or severe frailty who have been asked whether they have had a fall, about the total number of falls and about the type of falls, in the last 12 months. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM187

  7. Multiple long-term conditions: falls prevention advice (IND209)

    This indicator covers the percentage of patients (aged 65 years and over) with moderate or severe frailty who have been asked whether they have had a fall, about the total number of falls and about the type of falls, in the last 12 months, were found to be at risk and have been provided with advice and guidance with regard to falls prevention (in the last 12 months). It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM188

  8. Osteoporosis (QS149)

    This quality standard covers managing osteoporosis in adults (aged 18 and over), including assessing risk and preventing fragility fractures. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  9. GaitSmart rehabilitation exercise programme for gait and mobility issues (MTG78)

    Evidence-based recommendations on GaitSmart rehabilitation exercise programme for gait and mobility issues in adults.

  10. Preventing excess winter deaths and illness associated with cold homes (QS117)

    This quality standard covers reducing the health risks (including preventable deaths) associated with cold homes. It includes identifying people at risk who are particularly vulnerable to the cold, such as young children, older people, and people with cardiovascular disease or mental health problems. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  11. Hip fracture: management (CG124)

    This guideline covers managing hip fracture in adults. It aims to improve care from the time people aged 18 and over are admitted to hospital through to when they return to the community. Recommendations emphasise the importance of early surgery and coordinating care through a multidisciplinary Hip Fracture Programme to help people recover faster and regain their mobility.

  12. Causes of unwitnessed falls among older inpatients:- What are the causes of unwitnessed falls among older inpatients?

    Question Causes of unwitnessed falls among older inpatients:- What are the causes of unwitnessed falls among older...

  13. Faltering growth (QS197)

    This quality standard covers recognising and managing faltering growth in babies (aged up to 1 year) and preschool children (aged over 1 year). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  14. Osteoporosis: assessing the risk of fragility fracture (CG146)

    This guideline covers assessing the risk of fragility fracture in people aged 18 and over with osteoporosis. It aims to provide guidance on the selection and use of risk assessment tools in the care of adults at risk of fragility fractures in all NHS settings.

  15. Head injury: assessment and early management (NG232)

    This guideline covers assessment and early management of head injury in babies, children, young people and adults. It aims to ensure that people have the right care for the severity of their head injury, including direct referral to specialist care if needed.