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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 1 to 15 of 241 results for home care older people

  1. Home care for older people (QS123)

    This quality standard covers care and support for older people living in their own homes (known as home care or domiciliary care). It covers people aged over 65 using home care services, and may also cover some people under 65 with complex needs. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  2. Home care: delivering personal care and practical support to older people living in their own homes (NG21)

    This guideline covers the planning and delivery of person-centred care for older people living in their own homes (known as home care or domiciliary care). It aims to promote older people's independence and to ensure safe and consistently high quality home care services.

  3. Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes (QS50)

    This quality standard covers the mental wellbeing of older people (aged 65 and over) receiving care in care homes (including residential and nursing accommodation, day care and respite care). It focuses on support for people to improve their mental wellbeing so that they can stay as well and independent as possible. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  4. Older people with social care needs and multiple long-term conditions (NG22)

    This guideline covers planning and delivering social care and support for older people who have multiple long-term conditions. It promotes an integrated and person-centred approach to delivering effective health and social care services.

  5. Falls in older people: assessing risk and prevention (CG161)

    This guideline covers assessment of fall risk and interventions to prevent falls in people aged 65 and over. It aims to reduce the risk and incidence of falls and the associated distress, pain, injury, loss of confidence, loss of independence and mortality.

  6. Care and support of people growing older with learning disabilities (NG96)

    This guideline covers care and support for adults with learning disabilities as they grow older. It covers identifying changing needs, planning for the future, and delivering services including health, social care and housing. It aims to support people to access the services they need as they get older.

  7. Mental wellbeing in over 65s: occupational therapy and physical activity interventions (PH16)

    This guideline covers promoting mental wellbeing in people aged over 65. It focuses on practical support for everyday activities, based on occupational therapy principles and methods. This includes working with older people and their carers to agree what kind of support they need.

  8. Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs (NG27)

    This guideline covers the transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care homes for adults with social care needs. It aims to improve people's experience of admission to, and discharge from, hospital by better coordination of health and social care services.

  9. Falls in older people (QS86)

    This quality standard covers prevention of falls and assessment after a fall in older people (aged 65 and over) who are living in the community or staying in hospital. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  10. Oral health for adults in care homes (NG48)

    This guideline covers oral health, including dental health and daily mouth care, for adults in care homes. The aim is to maintain and improve their oral health and ensure timely access to dental treatment.

  11. Preventing excess winter deaths and illness associated with cold homes (QS117)

    This quality standard covers reducing the health risks (including preventable deaths) associated with cold homes. It includes identifying people at risk who are particularly vulnerable to the cold, such as young children, older people, and people with cardiovascular disease or mental health problems. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  12. Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs (QS136)

    This quality standard covers admissions into, and discharge from, inpatient hospital settings for adults (aged 18 years and over) with social care needs. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  13. Excess winter deaths and illness and the health risks associated with cold homes (NG6)

    This guideline covers reducing the health risks (including preventable deaths) associated with living in a cold home. It aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people vulnerable to the cold. Improving the temperature in homes, by improving energy efficiency, may also help reduce unnecessary fuel consumption.

  14. Multimorbidity: clinical assessment and management (NG56)

    This guideline covers optimising care for adults with multimorbidity (multiple long-term conditions) by reducing treatment burden (polypharmacy and multiple appointments) and unplanned care. It aims to improve quality of life by promoting shared decisions based on what is important to each person in terms of treatments, health priorities, lifestyle and goals. The guideline sets out which people are most likely to benefit from an approach to care that takes account of multimorbidity, how they can be identified and what the care involves.

  15. Social care for older people with multiple long-term conditions (QS132)

    This quality standard covers the planning and delivery of social care and support for older people (aged 65 and over) with multiple long-term conditions. It includes people living in their own homes, in specialist settings or in care homes, both those who receive support with funding for their social care and those who do not. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.