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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 31 to 45 of 178 results for physiotherapy

  1. Bronchiolitis in children: diagnosis and management (NG9)

    This guideline covers diagnosing and managing bronchiolitis in babies and children. It aims to help healthcare professionals diagnose bronchiolitis and identify if babies and children should be cared for at home or in hospital. It describes treatments and interventions that can be used to help with the symptoms of bronchiolitis.

  2. Free-functioning gracilis transfer to restore upper limb function in brachial plexus injury (IPG687)

    Evidence-based recommendations on free-functioning gracilis transfer to restore upper limb function in brachial plexus injury in adults. This involves taking a piece of hamstring muscle and its nerve and blood supply from the inner thigh, transferring it to the arm and joining it to the damaged nerve.

  3. ODFS Pace and Pace XL functional electrical stimulation devices for treating drop foot (MIB56)

    NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the ODFS Pace and Pace XL functional electrical stimulation devices for treating drop foot

  4. Superior capsular augmentation for massive rotator cuff tears (IPG619)

    Evidence-based recommendations on superior capsular augmentation for massive rotator cuff tears in adults. This involves using a graft to stabilise the shoulder joint, reduce pain and improve shoulder function.

  5. Antenatal care (NG201)

    This guideline covers the routine antenatal care that women and their babies should receive. It aims to ensure that pregnant women are offered regular check-ups, information and support.

  6. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for calcific tendinopathy in the shoulder (IPG742)

    Evidence-based recommendations on extracorporeal shockwave therapy for calcific tendinopathy in the shoulder. This involves placing a device on the skin that delivers short pulses of sound into the shoulder. The aim is to reduce pain and improve shoulder function.

  7. Cerebral palsy in adults (QS191)

    This quality standard covers care and support for adults with cerebral palsy (aged 25 and over). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  8. Minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion surgery for chronic sacroiliac pain (IPG578)

    Evidence-based recommendations on minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion surgery for chronic sacroiliac pain in adults. This involves fixing the sacrum to the ilium using 2 or 3 metal implants.

  9. Autologous blood injection for tendinopathy (IPG438)

    Evidence-based recommendations on autologous blood injection for tendinopathy. This involves supplying the tendon with growth factors that start the healing process.

  10. Ekso exoskeleton for rehabilitation in people with neurological weakness or paralysis (MIB93)

    NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the Ekso exoskeleton for rehabilitation in people with neurological weakness or paralysis .

  11. Intramedullary distraction for lower limb lengthening (IPG718)

    Evidence-based recommendations on intramedullary distraction for lower limb lengthening in children, young people and adults. This involves surgically inserting a metal lengthening device in the shorter leg.

  12. Management of inflammatory arthritis

    condition. These multidisciplinary teams should include: specialist physiotherapy podiatry services occupational therapy psychological...

  13. Onasemnogene abeparvovec for treating spinal muscular atrophy (HST15)

    Evidence-based recommendations on onasemnogene abeparvovec (Zolgensma) for treating spinal muscular atrophy in babies.