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Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results for tinnitus
This guideline covers the assessment, investigation and management of tinnitus in primary, community and secondary care. It offers advice to healthcare professionals on supporting people presenting with tinnitus and on when to refer for specialist assessment and management.
Acoustic CR Neuromodulation for adults with chronic subjective tonal tinnitus (MIB5)
NICE has developed a Medtech Innovation Briefing (MIB) on the Acoustic CR Neuromodulation system
Bronchiectasis (non-cystic fibrosis), acute exacerbation: antimicrobial prescribing (NG117)
This guideline sets out an antimicrobial prescribing strategy for managing and preventing acute exacerbations of bronchiectasis (non-cystic fibrosis). It aims to optimise antibiotic use and reduce antibiotic resistance.
Micropressure therapy for refractory Ménière's disease (IPG426)
Evidence-based recommendations on micropressure therapy for refractory Ménière's disease. This involves inserting a grommet (small tube) through the eardrum into the middle ear and blowing air at low pressure into the inner ear.
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Sections for IPG426
Cochlear implants for children and adults with severe to profound deafness (TA566)
Evidence-based recommendations on cochlear implants for children and adults with severe to profound deafness.
This guideline covers some aspects of assessing and managing hearing loss in primary, community and secondary care. It aims to improve the quality of life for adults with hearing loss by advising healthcare staff on assessing hearing difficulties, managing earwax and referring people for audiological or specialist assessment and management.
Balloon dilation for chronic eustachian tube dysfunction (IPG665)
Evidence-based recommendations on balloon dilation for chronic eustachian tube dysfunction in adults and children. This involves using a balloon filled with saline to widen the eustachian tube.
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This guideline covers identifying and managing otitis media with effusion (OME), also known as ‘glue ear’, in children younger than 12 years. It aims to improve hearing and quality of life in children with OME.
This quality standard covers assessing and managing hearing loss in adults (aged 18 and over). It includes people presenting with hearing loss for the first time in adulthood whether it started in adulthood or earlier. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS185Show all sections
Sections for QS185
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Earwax removal
- Quality statement 2: Sudden onset of hearing loss
- Quality statement 3: Rapid worsening of hearing loss
- Quality statement 4: Audiological assessment
- Quality statement 5: Provision of hearing aids
- Quality statement 6: Follow-up audiology appointment
- About this quality standard
Otovent nasal balloon for otitis media with effusion (MIB59)
NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the Otovent nasal balloon for otitis media with effusion
COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing the long-term effects of COVID-19 (NG188)
This guideline covers identifying, assessing and managing the long-term effects of COVID-19, often described as ‘long COVID’. It makes recommendations on care in all healthcare settings for adults, children and young people who have new or ongoing symptoms 4 weeks or more after the start of acute COVID-19. It also includes advice on organising services for long COVID.