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Guidance programme

Showing 1 to 15 of 18 results for violence aggression

  1. Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings (NG10)

    This guideline covers the short-term management of violence and aggression in adults (aged 18 and over), young people (aged 13 to 17) and children (aged 12 and under). It is relevant for mental health, health and community settings. The guideline aims to safeguard both staff and people who use services by helping to prevent violent situations and providing guidance to manage them safely when they occur.

  2. Violent and aggressive behaviours in people with mental health problems (QS154)

    This quality standard covers short-term prevention and management of violent and physically threatening behaviour among adults, children and young people with a mental health problem. It applies to settings where mental health, health and social care services are provided. This includes community settings and care received at home. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  3. Antisocial personality disorder: prevention and management (CG77)

    This guideline covers principles for working with people with antisocial personality disorder, including dealing with crises (crisis resolution). It aims to help people with antisocial personality disorder manage feelings of anger, distress, anxiety and depression, and to reduce offending and antisocial behaviour.

  4. Challenging behaviour and learning disabilities: prevention and interventions for people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges (NG11)

    This guideline covers interventions and support for children, young people and adults with a learning disability and behaviour that challenges. It highlights the importance of understanding the cause of behaviour that challenges, and performing thorough assessments so that steps can be taken to help people change their behaviour and improve their quality of life. The guideline also covers support and intervention for family members or carers.

  5. Mental health of adults in contact with the criminal justice system (QS163)

    This quality standard covers recognising, assessing and managing mental health problems in adults (aged 18 and over) who are in contact with the criminal justice system (this includes police contact, court and prison custody, street triage, liaison and diversion services, and probation services). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  6. Delirium: prevention, diagnosis and management in hospital and long-term care (CG103)

    This guideline covers diagnosing and treating delirium in people aged 18 and over in hospital and in long-term residential care or a nursing home. It also covers identifying people at risk of developing delirium in these settings and preventing onset. It aims to improve diagnosis of delirium and reduce hospital stays and complications.

  7. Harmful sexual behaviour among children and young people (NG55)

    This guideline covers children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviour, including those on remand or serving community or custodial sentences. It aims to ensure these problems don’t escalate and possibly lead to them being charged with a sexual offence. It also aims to ensure no-one is unnecessarily referred to specialist services.

  8. Psychosis and schizophrenia in adults: prevention and management (CG178)

    This guideline covers recognising and managing psychosis and schizophrenia in adults. It aims to improve care through early recognition and treatment, and by focusing on long-term recovery. It also recommends checking for coexisting health problems and providing support for family members and carers.

  9. Coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse: community health and social care services (NG58)

    This guideline covers how to improve services for people aged 14 and above who have been diagnosed as having coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse. The aim is to provide a range of coordinated services that address people’s wider health and social care needs, as well as other issues such as employment and housing.

  10. Autism spectrum disorder in adults: diagnosis and management (CG142)

    This guideline covers diagnosing and managing suspected or confirmed autism spectrum disorder (autism, Asperger’s syndrome and atypical autism) in people aged 18 and over. It aims to improve access and engagement with interventions and services, and the experience of care, for people with autism.

  11. Antenatal and postnatal mental health: clinical management and service guidance (CG192)

    This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating mental health problems in women who are planning to have a baby, are pregnant, or have had a baby or been pregnant in the past year. It covers depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, drug- and alcohol-use disorders and severe mental illness (such as psychosis, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia). It promotes early detection and good management of mental health problems to improve women’s quality of life during pregnancy and in the year after giving birth.

  12. Mental health of adults in contact with the criminal justice system (NG66)

    This guideline covers assessing, diagnosing and managing mental health problems in adults (aged 18 and over) who are in contact with the criminal justice system. It aims to improve mental health and wellbeing in this population by establishing principles for assessment and management, and promoting more coordinated care planning and service organisation across the criminal justice system.

  13. Bipolar disorder: assessment and management (CG185)

    This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression) in children, young people and adults. The recommendations apply to bipolar I, bipolar II, mixed affective and rapid cycling disorders. It aims to improve access to treatment and quality of life in people with bipolar disorder.

  14. Antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young people: recognition and management (CG158)

    This guideline covers recognising and managing antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young people aged under 19. It aims to improve care by identifying children and young people who are at risk and when interventions can prevent conduct disorders from developing. The guideline also makes recommendations on communication, to help professionals build relationships with children and young people and involve them in their own care.

  15. Self-harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence (NG225)

    This guideline covers assessment, management and preventing recurrence for children, young people and adults who have self-harmed. It includes those with a mental health problem, neurodevelopmental disorder or learning disability and applies to all sectors that work with people who have self-harmed.