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The percentage of patients with diabetes who have a record of a dietary review by a suitably competent professional in the preceding 15 months.

Indicator type

General practice indicator suitable for use in the Quality and Outcomes Framework.

This document does not represent formal NICE guidance. For a full list of NICE indicators, see our menu of indicators.

To find out how to use indicators and how we develop them, see our NICE indicator process guide.


Diabetes is a progressive long-term medical condition that is predominantly managed by the person with the diabetes and/or their carer as part of their daily life. Accordingly, understanding of diabetes, informed choice of management opportunities, and the acquisition of relevant skills for successful self-management play an important role in achieving optimal outcomes. Having a review by a competent professional gives the opportunity for dietary advice and support to help with self-management.

Source guidance

Type 1 diabetes in adults: diagnosis and management. NICE guideline NG17 (2015, updated 2022), recommendations 1.4.6 and 1.4.7

Type 2 diabetes in adults: management. NICE guideline NG28 (2015, updated 2022), recommendation 1.3.1


Numerator: The number of patients in the denominator who have a record of a dietary review by a suitably competent professional in the preceding 15 months.

Denominator: The number of patients on the diabetes register.

Calculation: Numerator divided by the denominator, multiplied by 100.

Exclusions: None.

Minimum population: The indicator would be appropriate to assess performance at individual general practice level.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-6050-7