Aquablation robotic therapy (Procept BioRobotics) is a technology used for the removal of obstructions for people with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The system consists of a robotic handpiece, console and conformal planning unit. Resection and removal of prostate tissue is done using a water jet from the robotic handpiece placed within the urethra. This method is known as transurethral water jet ablation. Transrectal ultrasound is used before the procedure to map out the region of the prostate to be resected and allow real-time imaging of tissue resection during the procedure. Positioning is confirmed using visual markers on a computer screen and the surgeon can plan the depth and angle of resection using the system software. Once the surgical mapping is complete, a high-speed jet of saline is delivered to the prostate at various flow rates based on the depth of penetration needed. The ablated tissue is aspirated through ports in the handpiece and can be used for histological analysis. After resection is completed, haemostasis is done around the bladder neck using focal thermal energy from a standard resectoscope. The procedure is usually done with the patient under general or spinal anaesthesia.
Status Awaiting development
Technology type Device
Decision Selected
Reason for decision Anticipate the topic will be of importance to patients, carers, professionals, commissioners and the health of the public to ensure clinical benefit is realised, inequalities in use addressed, and help them make the best use of NHS resources
Process MTG

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Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
07 March 2023 Awaiting development. Status change linked to Topic Selection Decision being set to Selected

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