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Guidance programme (11 selected)

Guidance programme

Showing 1801 to 1810 of 1843

Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
Endoscopic injection of bulking agents for gastro-oesophageal reflux diseaseIPG55
Improving supportive and palliative care for adults with cancerCSG4
Photodynamic endometrial ablationIPG47
Vagus nerve stimulation for refractory epilepsy in childrenIPG50
Radiotherapy for age-related macular degenerationIPG49
Laparoscopic pyeloplastyIPG46
Computed tomography-guided thermocoagulation of osteoid osteomaIPG53
Endovenous laser treatment of the long saphenous veinIPG52
Cyanoacrylate instillation for occlusion of parotid sinusesIPG42
Partial left ventriculectomy (the Batista procedure)IPG41

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