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This indicator ensures the contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients aged 18 years or over with chronic kidney disease (CKD) with classification of categories G3a to G5 (previously stage 3 to 5). It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes.

Last reviewed: August 2021

Next review: August 2025

This indicator will be reviewed using the assessment criteria in appendix B of the NICE indicators process guide when it reaches its review date or the underlying guidance is updated.

This indicator was previously published as NM83.

How to use NICE indicators and how we develop them

Indicators can be used in a number of different settings to support high quality care. These include:

  • identifying where improvements are needed
  • setting priorities for quality improvement and support
  • creating local performance dashboards
  • benchmarking performance against national data
  • supporting local quality improvement schemes
  • showing progress that local health systems are making on outcomes.

Find out how to use indicators and how we develop them.