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Admission rates due to angina in people with diabetes.

Indicator type

Network / system level indicator.

The indicator would be appropriate to understand and report on the performance of networks or systems of providers.

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High blood glucose levels damage nerves and blood vessels. Uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes can lead to a number of short and long-term health complications, including angina (a condition in which the heart cannot receive enough blood). Admission rates due to angina in people with diabetes are therefore used as a proxy for outcomes of care.


Numerator: The number of people with diabetes that have been admitted to hospital for angina.

Denominator: The number of people with diabetes.

Calculation: This indicator is calculated as a ratio indirectly standardised by age and sex.

Exclusions: None.

Data source: National Diabetes Audit and hospital episode statistics: admitted patient care.

Minimum population: The indicator would be appropriate to assess performance of networks or systems of providers.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-5593-0