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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 1851 to 1892 of 1892 results for carers

  1. Commonly used treatments for chronic pain can do more harm than good and should not be used, says NICE in draft guidance

    A number of commonly used drug treatments for chronic primary pain have little or no evidence that they work and shouldn’t be prescribed, NICE has said in its draft clinical guideline published today (3 August 2020) on the assessment and management of chronic pain in over 16s.

  2. Consultation open on new social care topics for NICE

    Safeguarding in care homes, adoption in looked after children and young people, and support for carers are among social care topics being considered for new NICE guidance and quality standards.

  3. NICE recommends potentially life-changing treatment for people with short bowel syndrome

    A potentially life-changing treatment has been recommended for people with short bowel syndrome who are aged 1 year and above after NICE published final draft guidance today (01 June 2022)

  4. NICE recommends range of effective treatments for people with chronic primary pain and calls on healthcare professionals to recognise and treat a person's pain as valid and unique to them

    People with chronic primary pain should be offered a range of treatments to help them manage their condition, NICE has said in its guideline on the assessment and management of chronic pain published today (7 April).

  5. NICE recommends life-changing gene therapy for children with ultra-rare genetic disorder in final draft guidance

    The first and currently only gene therapy for children with an ultra-rare genetic disorder has been recommended by NICE in final draft guidance published today (23 March 2023).

  6. NICE publishes second set of rapid COVID-19 guidelines

    The new guidelines cover the provision of radiotherapy services and bone marrow transplant during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  7. NICE publishes two new COVID-19 guidelines

    NICE has published 2 new rapid COVID-19 guidelines on the care of patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19.

  8. NICE publishes updated principles

    NICE has today, 30 January 2020, published a simple guide to the way we develop our guidance and standards.

  9. NICE reaches important milestone in the UK's efforts to tackle antimicrobial resistance.

    Two new antimicrobial drugs - cefiderocol and ceftazidime–avibactam - are close to becoming the first to be made available as part of the UK’s innovative subscription-style payment model after NICE today (Tuesday, 12 April 2022) published draft guidance estimating their value to the NHS.

  10. NICE recommends 3 treatments for COVID-19 in final draft guidance

    Everyone with COVID-19 at highest risk of developing severe disease will have access to clinically and cost-effective treatments, under final draft guidance published by NICE today.

  11. NICE gears up to support World Evidence-based Healthcare Day

    Inaugural World Evidence-based Healthcare (EBHC) Day takes place on Tuesday 20 October 2020

  12. NICE joins global alliance to shine spotlight on evidence-based healthcare

    Tuesday 20 October will be the inaugural World Evidence-based Healthcare Day

  13. NICE ME/CFS guideline outlines steps for better diagnosis and management

    NICE has today (29 October 2021) published its updated guideline on the diagnosis and management of myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

  14. NICE outlines steps needed to put ME/CFS guideline into practice

    NICE has today, International ME Awareness Day (Thursday, 12 May 2022) published its implementation statement which sets out the practical steps needed to put its recent guideline on the diagnosis and management of myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) into

  15. NICE publishes first rapid COVID-19 guidelines

    New guidelines cover the management of patients in critical care, the management of patients who are having kidney dialysis and the management of patients who are receiving systemic anticancer treatments.

  16. NICE publishes latest wave of COVID-19 guidelines

    The first is on the care of children and young people who are immunocompromised and the second on antibiotics for pneumonia in adults in hospital.

  17. NICE publishes new COVID-19 guidelines on cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and dermatological conditions treated with drugs affecting the immune response

    NICE has today (9 April 2020) published 3 new rapid guidelines on the care of patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19, and in patients without COVID-19. The guidelines have been designed to maximise the safety of patients whilst enabling services to make the best use of NHS resources.

  18. NICE publishes new COVID-19 guidelines on severe asthma, pneumonia, rheumatological disorders and symptom management

    They cover the management of patients with severe asthma, pneumonia, rheumatological autoimmune, inflammatory and metabolic bone disorders and the management of COVID-19 symptoms in the community.

  19. NICE publishes new COVID-19 rapid guideline on arranging planned care in hospitals and diagnostic services

    NICE has today (27 July 2020) published a guideline on the arrangements the NHS should put in place for patients needing elective surgery and other planned treatments and procedures (including diagnostics and imaging) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  20. NICE updates rapid COVID-19 guideline on critical care

    We have listened to concerns raised by patient groups about the application of our rapid COVID-19 critical care guideline.

  21. In the bag - making moving between hospital and social care better

    The introduction of a 'red bag' Hospital Transfer Pathway has helped to improve and speed up the transfer between hospital and care home settings.

  22. A new instrument for consideration of a broader range of benefits for people, their families and carers

    For the last three years, NICE has been part of a research project investigating how quality of life measures used to evaluate healthcare treatments such as drugs can be extended into areas of social care and public health

  23. People growing older with learning disabilities should get regular health checks, says NICE

    NICE says people growing older with learning disabilities need to have annual health checks to help them manage conditions that can quickly affect them as they grow older.

  24. Place young people moving into adult services at the heart of decisions about care

    Young people who are moving from children’s to adults’ services should be placed at the heart of decisions about their care, NICE says.

  25. Poor discharge practice leading to 'unnecessary patient suffering'

    Poor hospital discharge practice is leading to unnecessary patient suffering and millions in wasted resources, according to a new report.

  26. Positive healthcare experience for babies, children and young people essential to their wellbeing

    New guideline from NICE recommends ensuring children and young people are fully informed about their health so that they are empowered to take an active role in their healthcare.

  27. Rehabilitation after traumatic injury should support people in resuming their lives

    NICE has today (27 July 2021) published a new draft guideline covering rehabilitation after traumatic injury.

  28. Selective laser therapy recommended to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension

    People newly diagnosed with glaucoma and ocular hypertension (OHT) should initially be offered selective laser therapy (SLT) treatment rather than eye drops, according to an updated NICE guideline published today (Wednesday, 26 January).

  29. Self-harm is everyone's business, NICE says in new draft guideline

    All professionals working across the health and social care system have a role to play in supporting people who self-harm and the issue should not just be seen as the responsibility of those with mental health expertise, NICE has said in a new draft guideline.

  30. New Strensiq deal paves way for NICE approval of life saving drug

    An agreement has been reached that means more people with a rare life threatening disease can be offered an innovative new drug.

  31. Strategic collaboration announced by NICE and Health Technology Wales

    Collaboration outlines the strategic planning and delivery of independent and authoritative medical technology guidance

  32. World Antimicrobial Awareness Week: developing new models for the evaluation and purchase of antimicrobials

    Nick discusses World Antimicrobial Awareness Week and an important project he’s involved with to develop new models for the evaluation and purchase of antimicrobials.

  33. World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day: Using evidence to inform our recommendations

    Dr Martin Allaby discusses World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day and how NICE uses evidence to inform our recommendations.

  34. NICE conditionally recommends digital cognitive behaviour therapies for use in the NHS to help children and young people with symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety

    Draft guidance released for consultation today (Friday 4th Nov) states the technologies can be used with support from a mental health professional, while further evidence is generated to check if the benefits they offer are realised in practice.

  35. Time to talk: about NICE's latest depression guidelines and quality standard work

    To mark Time to Talk Day (February 2) we spoke with Catherine Ruane, who acted as a carer for her father and sister, who both lived with depression.

  36. Towards a new partnership – NICE and the voluntary and community sector

    Victoria Thomas gives details of NICE’s new voluntary and community sector forum, which brings together a range of organisations, including health and care sector charities and not for profit groups, and gives them an opportunity to share their views and help shape NICE’s work in the future

  37. Home Care Guideline: Key recommendations for providers

    NICE has published a guideline to help deliver personal care and practical support to older people living in their own homes. This document outlines the key recommendations for providers of home care services.

  38. NICE recommends NHS collects real-world evidence on devices that monitor people with Parkinson's disease

    Five promising technologies that could help improve symptoms and quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease have been conditionally recommended by NICE.

  39. Home Care Guideline: key recommendations for commissioners

    NICE has published a guideline – our first for the home care sector – to help deliver personal care and practical support to older people living in their own homes.This document outlines the key recommendations for commissioners of home care services.

  40. NICE creates new menu of treatment options for those suffering from depression

    People with depression should make the choice on what treatment option is right for them, in discussion with their healthcare professional, NICE says in new draft guidance.

  41. Subscribe to NICE in social care

    Our monthly social care newsletter.

  42. Be aware of the signs of abuse and neglect in adult care homes, says NICE

    Staff and visitors can play a vital role in the identification and prevention of abuse and neglect in care homes for adults says NICE, in a draft guideline published today.