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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 211 to 219 of 219 results for mental health learning disabilities

  1. The social care guidance manual (PMG10)

    The social care guidance manual

  2. Neonatal infection: antibiotics for prevention and treatment (NG195)

    This guideline covers preventing bacterial infection in healthy babies of up to and including 28 days corrected gestational age, treating pregnant women whose unborn baby is at risk of infection, and caring for babies of up to and including 28 days corrected gestational age with a suspected or confirmed bacterial infection. It aims to reduce delays in recognising and treating infection and prevent unnecessary use of antibiotics. The guideline does not cover viral infections.

  3. Methods for the development of NICE public health guidance (third edition) (PMG4)

    Methods for the development of NICE public health guidance (third edition)

  4. Safe midwifery staffing for maternity settings (NG4)

    This guideline covers safe midwifery staffing in all maternity settings, including at home, in the community, in day assessment units, in obstetric units, and in units led by midwives (both alongside hospitals and free-standing). It aims to improve maternity care by giving advice on monitoring staffing levels and actions to take if there are not enough midwives to meet the needs of women and babies in the service.

  5. Guide to the processes of technology appraisal (PMG19)

    Guide to the processes of technology appraisal

  6. Icosapent ethyl with statin therapy for reducing the risk of cardiovascular events in people with raised triglycerides (TA805)

    Evidence-based recommendations on icosapent ethyl (Vazkepa) with statin therapy for reducing the risk of cardiovascular events in adults with raised triglycerides.

  7. Inclisiran for treating primary hypercholesterolaemia or mixed dyslipidaemia (TA733)

    Evidence-based recommendations on inclisiran (Leqvio) for treating primary hypercholesterolaemia or mixed dyslipidaemia in adults.

  8. NICE health technology evaluations: the manual (PMG36)

    This guide describes the methods and processes, including expected timescales, that NICE follows when carrying out health technology evaluations. The methods and processes are designed to produce robust guidance for the NHS in an open, transparent and timely way, with appropriate contribution from stakeholders. Organisations invited to contribute to health technology evaluation development should read this manual in conjunction with the NICE health technology evaluation topic selection: the manual. All documents are available on the NICE website.

  9. Intrapartum care (NG235)

    This guideline covers the care of women and their babies during labour and immediately after birth. It focuses on women who give birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy (‘term’). The guideline helps women to make informed choices about where to have their baby and about their care in labour. It also aims to reduce variation in aspects of care.