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Guidance programme

Showing 1 to 15 of 31 results for antisocial behaviour in young people

  1. Antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young people: recognition and management (CG158)

    This guideline covers recognising and managing antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young people aged under 19. It aims to improve care by identifying children and young people who are at risk and when interventions can prevent conduct disorders from developing. The guideline also makes recommendations on communication, to help professionals build relationships with children and young people and involve them in their own care.

  2. Antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young people (QS59)

    This quality standard covers recognising and managing antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young people. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  3. Antisocial personality disorder: prevention and management (CG77)

    This guideline covers principles for working with people with antisocial personality disorder, including dealing with crises (crisis resolution). It aims to help people with antisocial personality disorder manage feelings of anger, distress, anxiety and depression, and to reduce offending and antisocial behaviour.

  4. Personality disorders: borderline and antisocial (QS88)

    This quality standard covers assessing and managing borderline and antisocial personality disorders. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  5. Mental health guidelines

    management - To be confirmed Depression in children and young people: identification and management - Psychological...

  6. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis and management (NG87)

    This guideline covers recognising, diagnosing and managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, young people and adults. It aims to improve recognition and diagnosis, as well as the quality of care and support for people with ADHD.

  7. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (QS39)

    This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults, young people and children (aged 3 and over). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  8. Harmful sexual behaviour among children and young people (NG55)

    This guideline covers children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviour, including those on remand or serving community or custodial sentences. It aims to ensure these problems don’t escalate and possibly lead to them being charged with a sexual offence. It also aims to ensure no-one is unnecessarily referred to specialist services.

  9. Alcohol-use disorders: prevention (PH24)

    This guideline covers alcohol problems among people over 10. It aims to prevent and identify such problems as early as possible using a mix of policy and practice.

  10. Children's attachment: attachment in children and young people who are adopted from care, in care or at high risk of going into care (NG26)

    This guideline covers the identification, assessment and treatment of attachment difficulties in children and young people up to age 18 who are adopted from care, in special guardianship, looked after by local authorities in foster homes (including kinship foster care), residential settings and other accommodation, or on the edge of care. It aims to address the many emotional and psychological needs of children and young people in these situations, including those resulting from maltreatment.

  11. Autism spectrum disorder in under 19s: support and management (CG170)

    This guideline covers children and young people with autism spectrum disorder (across the full range of intellectual ability) from birth until their 19th birthday. It covers the different ways that health and social care professionals can provide support, treatment and help for children and young people with autism, and their families and carers, from the early years through to their transition into young adult life.

  12. Social and emotional wellbeing: early years (PH40)

    This guideline covers supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of vulnerable children under 5 through home visiting, childcare and early education. It aims to optimise care for young children who need extra support because they have or are at risk of social or emotional problems.

  13. Children's attachment (QS133)

    This quality standard covers identifying, assessing and treating attachment difficulties in children and young people (under 18). It focuses on children and young people at high risk of going into care, looked after by local authorities in foster homes, in special guardianship, adopted from care, and those in residential settings and other accommodation. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  14. Child maltreatment: when to suspect maltreatment in under 18s (CG89)

    This guideline covers the signs of possible child maltreatment in children and young people aged under 18 years. It aims to raise awareness and help health professionals who are not child protection specialists to identify the features of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and fabricated or induced illness.

  15. Drug misuse prevention: targeted interventions (NG64)

    This guideline covers targeted interventions to prevent misuse of drugs, including illegal drugs, ‘legal highs’ and prescription-only medicines. It aims to prevent or delay harmful use of drugs in children, young people and adults who are most likely to start using drugs or who are already experimenting or using drugs occasionally.