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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 1 to 15 of 31 results for attachment difficulties

  1. Children's attachment: attachment in children and young people who are adopted from care, in care or at high risk of going into care (NG26)

    This guideline covers the identification, assessment and treatment of attachment difficulties in children and young people up to age 18 who are adopted from care, in special guardianship, looked after by local authorities in foster homes (including kinship foster care), residential settings and other accommodation, or on the edge of care. It aims to address the many emotional and psychological needs of children and young people in these situations, including those resulting from maltreatment.

  2. Children's attachment (QS133)

    This quality standard covers identifying, assessing and treating attachment difficulties in children and young people (under 18). It focuses on children and young people at high risk of going into care, looked after by local authorities in foster homes, in special guardianship, adopted from care, and those in residential settings and other accommodation. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  3. Postnatal care (NG194)

    This guideline covers the routine postnatal care that women and their babies should receive in the first 8 weeks after the birth. It includes the organisation and delivery of postnatal care, identifying and managing common and serious health problems in women and their babies, how to help parents form strong relationships with their babies, and baby feeding. The recommendations on emotional attachment and baby feeding also cover the antenatal period.

  4. Looked-after children and young people (NG205)

    This guideline covers how organisations, practitioners and carers should work together to deliver high-quality care, stable placements and nurturing relationships for looked-after children and young people. It aims to help these children and young people reach their full potential and have the same opportunities as their peers.

  5. Looked-after children and young people (QS31)

    This quality standard covers the health and wellbeing of looked-after children and young people (from birth to 18 years) and care leavers (including young people planning to leave care or under leaving care provisions). It is for all settings and services that work with and care for looked-after children and young people, wherever they are living (for example, with family or friends, with foster families or in residential care). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  6. Inhaler devices for routine treatment of chronic asthma in older children (aged 5–15 years) (TA38)

    Evidence-based recommendations on inhaler devices for routine treatment of chronic asthma in older children (aged 5–15 years).

  7. Antenatal care (NG201)

    This guideline covers the routine antenatal care that women and their babies should receive. It aims to ensure that pregnant women are offered regular check-ups, information and support. We have also published a guideline on postnatal care , which covers the topics of emotional attachment and baby feeding.

  8. TYM smartphone otoscope for imaging and videoing the external ear canal and eardrum (MIB134)

    NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the TYM smartphone otoscope for imaging and videoing the external ear canal and eardrum .

  9. Child abuse and neglect (NG76)

    This guideline covers recognising and responding to abuse and neglect in children and young people aged under 18. It covers physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. The guideline aims to help anyone whose work brings them into contact with children and young people to spot signs of abuse and neglect and to know how to respond. It also supports practitioners who carry out assessments and provide early help and interventions to children, young people, parents and carers.

  10. Dementia: assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers (NG97)

    This guideline covers diagnosing and managing dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease). It aims to improve care by making recommendations on training staff and helping carers to support people living with dementia.

  11. Autism spectrum disorder in under 19s: recognition, referral and diagnosis (CG128)

    This guideline covers recognising and diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in children and young people from birth up to 19 years. It also covers referral. It aims to improve the experience of children, young people and those who care for them.

  12. Depression in children and young people: identification and management (NG134)

    This guideline covers identifying and managing depression in children and young people aged 5 to 18 years. Based on the stepped-care model, it aims to improve recognition and assessment and promote effective treatments for mild and moderate to severe depression.

  13. Social and emotional wellbeing: early years (PH40)

    This guideline covers supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of vulnerable children under 5 through home visiting, childcare and early education. It aims to optimise care for young children who need extra support because they have or are at risk of social or emotional problems.

  14. Gout: diagnosis and management (NG219)

    This guideline covers the diagnosis and management of gout. It includes recommendations on diagnosing gout, managing flares, long-term management of gout and referral to specialist services.

  15. Specialist neonatal respiratory care for babies born preterm (QS193)

    This quality standard covers neonatal respiratory support in hospital for babies born preterm (before 37 weeks of pregnancy). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.