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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 7951 to 8000 of 8215 results

  1. Broader types of data to be used in development of NICE guidance

    An expanded evidence base could allow NICE to address evidence gaps and enhance reviews of the impact of our guidance

  2. Children and young people need accurate, accessible information about their healthcare

    New draft guidance from NICE published today recommends ensuring children and young people are fully informed about their health so that they are empowered to take an active role in their healthcare.

  3. Call for abstracts for HTAi 2021 Annual Meeting in Manchester

    Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) has released the plenary themes for the HTAi 2021 Annual Meeting and opened their call for abstract submissions

  4. Children and young people set to benefit from new treatment for peanut allergy

    Children and young people aged between 4 and 17 with a peanut allergy could be set to benefit from Palforzia, a new treatment which can help build up their tolerance to peanut, after NICE recommended its use in draft guidance published today (23 December 2021).

  5. Children and young people with severe complex needs require coordinated health, social and education services, says NICE in draft guideline

    NICE has today (2 August 2021) opened consultation on its draft guideline on disabled children and young people up to 25 with severe complex needs. The draft guideline will support joined up and coordinated health, social and education services for these people and their families.

  6. Children and young people with suspected diabetes should be seen by a specialist immediately, says NICE quality standard

    When a GP suspects a child or young person has diabetes, they should immediately be sent to hospital and seen the same day by a specialist, a new NICE quality standard says.

  7. Greater treatment options for women with fertility problems

    More women can receive appropriate and timely fertility treatment such as IVF, following updated guidelines from NICE.

  8. Have your say on NICE's social care work

    The Department of Health has launched a 12 week consultation to gather views on the topics for NICE's new quality standards and guidance for social care.

  9. Head and neck cancer drug is not cost-effective

    Cetuximab is not value for money says NICE in new draft guidance

  10. Healthier lifestyle can help to ease osteoarthritis symptoms says NICE

    Exercise has an important role to play in helping people living with osteoarthritis NICE says in draft updated guidelines published today (29th April 2022) on the care and management of people with the condition.

  11. Helping children and young people in care

    The NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care (NCCSC) has produced a short film aimed at children and young people in care to help them understand and use the NICE quality standard on the Health and Wellbeing of Looked After Children and Young People in Care.

  12. Hundreds of children with type 2 diabetes to be offered choice of two life changing technologies

    Hundreds of children with type 2 diabetes who currently manage their condition with the ‘burdensome’, ‘tiring’, and ‘stressful’ task of finger prick testing several times a day could be offered a choice between two ‘life changing’ technologies to virtually automate the process, NICE has said.

  13. Hundreds of people are set to receive the first immunotherapy drug for advanced cervical cancer through the Cancer Drugs Fund

    Hundreds of people with cervical cancer are set to receive the first immunotherapy drug for an advanced form of the disease as NICE publishes final draft guidance today (Wednesday 29 March 2023) recommending its use in the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF).

  14. Hundreds of people set to benefit as NICE recommends selective internal radiation therapy for treating advanced liver cancer

    Hundreds of people with advanced liver cancer (also called hepatocellular carcinoma or HCC) are set to benefit after NICE today (26 February 2021) published final draft guidance recommending a cancer treatment called selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) as an option for treating the condition

  15. Hundreds of people with some forms of urothelial cancer to receive new treatment

    Over 800 people with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer are set to benefit from a new treatment – avelumab – following its recommendation for routine NHS funding in final draft guidance published today (Thursday 7 April) by NICE.

  16. Age 'should not be barrier to treatment'

    Decisions around whether to offer a person surgical treatment should not be based on age and fitness, according to a new report.

  17. Antibiotic resistance is now “common” in urinary tract infections

    The number of urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by drug resistant bacteria is increasing, new data shows.

  18. Antibiotics should not be issued as first line of treatment for a cough, says NICE and PHE

    People should take honey or cough medicines instead but speak to their GP if it persists for longer than three weeks

  19. Antibiotics should not be used to treat the majority of sinus infections, NICE says

    NICE is advising healthcare professionals to tell their patients that a sinus infection will likely clear-up without antibiotics and that there is little evidence oral decongestants will help to relieve their symptoms.

  20. Appeal panel rules that NICE needs to request evidence for erenumab effectiveness in subgroup of people with chronic migraine

    NICE has today (4 February 2020) published the outcome of the appeal against its final draft guidance (FAD) on erenumab (also called Aimovig and made by Novartis) for preventing chronic migraine.

  21. Around 10,000 people could benefit from new migraine drug as NICE says it's cost-effective

    NICE has today (12 March 2020) published final draft guidance which recommends fremanezumab (also called Ajovy and made by Teva Pharmaceuticals) for preventing chronic migraine.

  22. Colorectal cancer patients with rare mutations to benefit from life-extending treatment

    NICE recommends pembrolizumab for colorectal cancer patients with rare mutations

  23. Commissioning services for people with hip fracture

    NICE has produced a guide for commissioners on hip fracture services, which provides advice on commissioning services for people with fragility fracture of the hip or fracture of the hip due to osteoporosis or osteopenia.

  24. Commonly used treatments for chronic pain can do more harm than good and should not be used, says NICE in draft guidance

    A number of commonly used drug treatments for chronic primary pain have little or no evidence that they work and shouldn’t be prescribed, NICE has said in its draft clinical guideline published today (3 August 2020) on the assessment and management of chronic pain in over 16s.

  25. Consider mental health support for some people with acne, says NICE

    In final guidance published today (25 June), NICE has for the first time recommended mental health support for people who are severely affected by their acne.

  26. Consultation open on new social care topics for NICE

    Safeguarding in care homes, adoption in looked after children and young people, and support for carers are among social care topics being considered for new NICE guidance and quality standards.

  27. Diagnose and treat Lyme disease if bull's eye rash is present, says NICE

    People presenting erythema migrans, the characteristic skin rash associated with Lyme disease, can be diagnosed and treated without the need for blood tests, NICE has said in a final quality standard published today.

  28. Digital and mobile interventions could support regular health services in helping people stop smoking and reduce their risk of obesity, says NICE

    Health professionals can consider digital and mobile interventions as a supplement to regular services to support behaviour change in people at risk of developing chronic conditions.

  29. Digital mental health tech for children and young people recommended by NICE in first rapid healthtech guidance

    Four digital technologies that can help children and young people with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety or low mood have been recommended for use in the NHS once they achieve regulatory approval.

  30. Draft NICE guidance recommends innovative technology used to establish whether breast cancer has spread

    A magnetic marker liquid injected into people with invasive breast cancer will help surgeons discover if the cancer has spread, after the technology was recommended in draft NICE guidance.

  31. NICE recommends new 'chemotherapy-free' treatment for lymphoma

    A new treatment option for patients with previously treated follicular lymphoma (grade 1 to 3A) has been approved by NICE.

  32. NICE recommends new chemotherapy-free treatment option for people with untreated chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

    More than 1,000 people each year will benefit from NICE's recommendation

  33. NICE recommends new diagnostic devices for men with suspected prostate cancer in draft guidance

    Four new diagnostic devices for men with suspected prostate cancer, which reduce the chances of biopsy related sepsis, have been recommended for use by NICE.

  34. NICE recommends new drug for people living with obesity

    Thousands of people living with obesity are set to benefit from a new drug which has helped those using it to reduce their weight by more than 10 per cent.

  35. NICE recommends new drug osimertinib for hundreds of people with lung cancer

    Hundreds of people with lung cancer will now have access to new drug osimertinib, also known as Tagrisso, after NICE says it should be made available on the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF).

  36. NICE recommends new treatment for rare blood disorder

    Hundreds of people with a rare blood disorder have access to a new treatment regimen following draft guidance from NICE.

  37. NICE recommends new treatment option for adults with obesity and non-diabetic hyperglycaemia who have a high risk of cardiovascular disease

    All eligibility criteria must be met for Liraglutide to be offered

  38. NICE recommends offering app-based treatment for people with insomnia instead of sleeping pills

    Hundreds of thousands of people suffering from insomnia who would usually be prescribed sleeping pills could be offered an app-based treatment programme instead, NICE has said.

  39. NICE recommends offering PrEP to people at high risk of HIV for first time

    People at the highest risk of catching HIV should be offered Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), NICE has recommended for the first time.

  40. NICE recommends Piqray and Trodelvy, maintaining 100% approvals of breast cancer drugs since 2018

    An agreement with the companies on the price of 2 breast cancer treatments, Piqray and Trodelvy, has paved the way for NICE to be able to make them available immediately to around 3,450 people on the NHS and maintaining NICE’s 100% approval rate of breast cancer drugs since 2018.

  41. NICE recommends potentially life-changing treatment for people with short bowel syndrome

    A potentially life-changing treatment has been recommended for people with short bowel syndrome who are aged 1 year and above after NICE published final draft guidance today (01 June 2022)

  42. NICE recommends range of effective treatments for people with chronic primary pain and calls on healthcare professionals to recognise and treat a person's pain as valid and unique to them

    People with chronic primary pain should be offered a range of treatments to help them manage their condition, NICE has said in its guideline on the assessment and management of chronic pain published today (7 April).

  43. NICE recommends rivaroxaban to prevent blood clots in patients who have had a heart attack

    Rivaroxaban (Xarelto), in combination with clopidogrel and aspirin, or with aspirin alone, can now be used as an option for preventing blood clots in people who have had an acute coronary syndrome, following latest guidance.

  44. NICE recommends several treatment options to help thousands with moderate rheumatoid arthritis

    Around 25,000 people with moderate rheumatoid arthritis that has not responded to conventional therapies are set to benefit from the recommendations announced today

  45. NICE recommends step-change targeted treatment for people with early breast cancer

    Around 4,000 people are set to benefit from a step-change in treatment for early breast cancer following today’s (17 June 2022) provisional approval by NICE of abemaciclib in combination with hormone therapy as an option after surgery.

  46. NICE recommends treatment for people with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

    NICE has today (9 September 2021) published final draft guidance which recommends tofacitinib (also known as Xeljanz and made by Pfizer) as an option for treating active polyarticular juvenile arthritis and juvenile psoriatic arthritis in people 2 years and older.

  47. NICE recommends treatment for type of small-cell lung cancer

    A new treatment option for patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer has been approved by NICE.

  48. NICE recommends treatment options for severe pregnancy sickness in new draft guidance

    Nausea and vomiting, often referred to as morning sickness, is common in pregnancy. Close to 80% of pregnant women experience these symptoms, with most conditions improving or stopping completely by around 16 to 20 weeks.

  49. NICE releases further details of ME/CFS roundtable meeting.

    Ahead of the roundtable meeting on 18 October, NICE has today (12 October 2021) released details of the agenda and how the meeting will be run.

  50. NICE recommends routine funding for Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene therapy ataluren

    NICE has today (22 February 2023) published final guidance which recommends ataluren (also called Translarna and made by PTC Therapeutics) for treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) caused by a nonsense mutation.