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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 1 to 15 of 1120 results for criteria

  1. Standardised criteria for hospital discharge:- Are standardised criteria for hospital discharge clinically and cost effective in specific medical emergencies? [See the evidence review on standardised discharge criteria.]

    NG94/14 Question Standardised criteria for hospital discharge:- Are standardised criteria for hospital discharge...

  2. Referral criteria for people with suspected axial spondyloarthritis:- What are the optimal referral criteria for people with suspected axial spondyloarthritis?

    Question Referral criteria for people with suspected axial spondyloarthritis:- What are the optimal referral criteria for...

  3. Suspected sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management (NG51)

    This guideline covers the recognition, diagnosis and early management of suspected sepsis. It includes recommendations on recognition and early assessment, initial treatment, escalating care, finding and controlling the source of infection, early monitoring, information and support, and training and education.

  4. Spondyloarthritis in over 16s: diagnosis and management (NG65)

    This guideline covers diagnosing and managing spondyloarthritis that is suspected or confirmed in adults who are 16 years or older. It aims to raise awareness of the features of spondyloarthritis and provide clear advice on what action to take when people with signs and symptoms first present in healthcare settings. It also provides advice on the range of treatments available.

  5. Diagnostic criteria: In people with suspected ME/CFS, how effective is the NICE 2021 consensus-based diagnostic criteria in identifying people with ME/CFS?

    Question Diagnostic criteria: In people with suspected ME/CFS, how effective is the NICE 2021 consensus-based diagnostic...

  6. Developing and updating local formularies (MPG1)

    This guideline covers good practice for developing and updating local formularies in line with statutory requirements. It supports developing formularies that reflect local needs, reduce variation in prescribing, and allow rapid adoption of new medicines and treatments.

  7. Bronchiolitis in children: diagnosis and management (NG9)

    This guideline covers diagnosing and managing bronchiolitis in babies and children. It aims to help healthcare professionals diagnose bronchiolitis and identify if babies and children should be cared for at home or in hospital. It describes treatments and interventions that can be used to help with the symptoms of bronchiolitis.

  8. Sore throat (acute): antimicrobial prescribing (NG84)

    This guideline sets out an antimicrobial prescribing strategy for acute sore throat. It aims to limit antibiotic use and reduce antimicrobial resistance. Acute sore throat is often caused by a virus, lasts for about a week, and most people get better without antibiotics. Withholding antibiotics rarely leads to complications.

  9. Referral criteria for the foot protection service and the multidisciplinary foot care service:- When and with what criteria should people with diabetes be referred to the foot protection service or the multidisciplinary foot care service?

    Question Referral criteria for the foot protection service and the multidisciplinary foot care service:- When and with what...

  10. Organ donation for transplantation: improving donor identification and consent rates for deceased organ donation (CG135)

    This guideline covers identifying people who wish to donate their organs after their death. It offers advice on how to approach families and carers of people who are nearing the end of life and how to seek consent for organ donation. It aims to promote discussion of organ donation as part of end-of-life care and to increase the number of organs available for people waiting for a transplant.

  11. Fertility problems (QS73)

    This quality standard covers assessing and treating fertility problems in people with explained and unexplained infertility, including access to IVF treatment. It also covers cryopreservation before cancer treatment that may affect fertility. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  12. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (QS39)

    This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults, young people and children (aged 3 and over). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  13. Ovarian cancer: identifying and managing familial and genetic risk (NG241)

    This guideline covers assessing the familial and genetic risk of having a pathogenic variant associated with ovarian cancer in adults.

  14. Low back pain and sciatica in over 16s (QS155)

    This quality standard covers the assessment and management of non-specific low back pain and sciatica in young people and adults aged 16 years and over. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  15. Suspected cancer (QS124)

    This quality standard covers the investigation and recognition of suspected cancer, and referral to specialist cancer services for adults, young people and children. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.