Appendix A: Membership of the Programme Development Group, the NICE Project Team and external contractors

Appendix A: Membership of the Programme Development Group, the NICE Project Team and external contractors

The Programme Development Group (PDG)

PDG membership is multidisciplinary. It comprises researchers, practitioners, stakeholder representatives and members of the public as follows.

Professor Charles Abraham Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Sussex

(CHAIR) Professor Mildred Blaxter Hon. Professor of Medical Sociology, Department of Social Medicine, Bristol University

Dr Vicky Cattell Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Psychiatry, Queen Mary, University of London

Ms Vimla Dodd Community Member

Professor Christine Godfrey Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Sciences and Centre for Health Economics, University of York

Dr Karen Jochelson Fellow, Health Policy, King's Fund

Ms Miranda Lewis Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Public Policy Research

Mr Terence Lewis Community Member

Professor Miranda Mugford Professor of Health Economics, School of Medicine and Health Policy and Practice, University of East Anglia

Professor Ray Pawson Professor of Social Research Methodology and Research Director, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds

Professor Jennie Popay Professor of Sociology and Public Health, Institute for Health Research, University of Lancaster

Professor Wendy Stainton Rogers Professor of Health Psychology, Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Open University

Professor Stephen Sutton Professor of Behavioural Science, Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge

Professor Martin White Professor of Public Health, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University

Ms Ann Williams Community Member

Dr David Woodhead Development Manager Public Health, The Healthcare Commission

Expert cooptees to the PDG

Professor Roisin Pill Emeritus Professor, University of Wales College of Medicine

Professor Robert West Professor of Health Psychology and Director of Tobacco Studies, Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit, University College London

NICE Project Team

Professor Mike Kelly
Director of CPHE

Jane Huntley
Associate Director of CPHE

Dr Catherine Swann
Technical Lead

Chris Carmona

Dr Lesley Owen

Clare Wohlgemuth

Dr Alastair Fischer
Health Economics Adviser

External contractors

External reviewers: effectiveness reviews

Review 1: 'A review of the effectiveness of interventions, approaches and models at individual, community and population level that are aimed at changing health outcomes through changing knowledge, attitudes or behaviour', carried out by the Cancer Care Research Centre, University of Stirling. The principal authors were: Ruth Jepson, Fiona Harris, Steve MacGillivray (University of Abertay), Nora Kearney and Neneh Rowa-Dewar.

Review 2: 'Review of the effectiveness of road-safety and pro-environmental interventions', carried out by the Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling. The principal authors were: Martine Stead, Laura McDermott, Paul Broughton, Kathryn Angus and Gerard Hastings.

Review 3: 'Resilience, coping and salutogenic approaches to maintaining and generating health: a review', carried out by the Cardiff Institute of Society Health and Ethics (CISHE), Cardiff University. The principal authors were: Emily Harrop, Samia Addis, Eva Elliott and Gareth Williams.

Review 4: 'A review of the use of the health belief model (HBM), the theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), and the trans-theoretical model (TTM) to study and predict health-related behaviour change', carried out by The School of Pharmacy, University of London. The principal authors were: Professor David Taylor, Professor Michael Bury, Dr Natasha Campling, Dr Sarah Carter, Dr Sara Garfied, Dr Jenny Newbould and Dr Tim Rennie.

Review 5: 'The influence of social and cultural context on the effectiveness of health behaviour change interventions in relation to diet, exercise and smoking cessation' carried out by The School of Pharmacy, University of London. The principal authors were: Professor David Taylor, Professor Michael Bury, Dr Natasha Campling, Dr Sarah Carter, Dr Sara Garfied, Dr Jenny Newbould and Dr Tim Rennie.

Review 6: 'Social Marketing: a review', carried out by the Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling. The principal authors were: Martine Stead, Laura McDermott, Kathryn Angus and Gerard Hastings.

External reviewer: expert report

'Evidence for the effect on inequalities in health of interventions designed to change behaviour'. The author was Professor Mildred Blaxter (Chair of the PDG).

External reviewers: economic appraisal

Economic analysis: 'The cost-effectiveness of behaviour change interventions designed to reduce coronary heart disease: A thorough review of existing literature'; and 'The cost-effectiveness of population level interventions to lower cholesterol and prevent coronary heart disease: extrapolation and modelling results on promoting healthy eating habits from Norway to the UK'. This is the final phase 2 report for a project entitled 'Health economic analysis of prevention and intervention approaches to reducing incidence of coronary heart disease'. This was carried out by the Health Economics Research Group, Brunel University. The authors were: Julia Fox-Rushby, Gethin Griffith, Elli Vitsou and Martin Buxton.


The fieldwork was carried out by Dr Foster Intelligence.