Quality standard

Quality statements

Quality statements

Statement 1 People presenting with a first suspected seizure are seen by a clinician with expertise in epilepsy within 2 weeks of presentation. [2013, updated 2023]

Statement 2 People who meet the criteria for referral to a tertiary epilepsy service are seen within 4 weeks of referral, or 2 weeks if they meet the criteria for urgent referral. [2013, updated 2023]

Statement 3 People with epilepsy have access to an epilepsy specialist nurse. [2013, updated 2023]

Statement 4 People with epilepsy have an up-to-date and agreed comprehensive epilepsy care plan. [2013, updated 2023]

Statement 5 People with epilepsy are asked about their memory, mental health, and social and emotional wellbeing at epilepsy appointments. [new 2023]

Statement 6 Children and young people with epilepsy are asked at epilepsy appointments about neurodevelopment and learning difficulties or changes in their learning progress, and adults who have learning disabilities are asked at epilepsy appointments about changes in their condition and other comorbidities. [new 2023]

In 2023, this quality standard was updated; statements prioritised in 2013 were updated (2013, updated 2023) or replaced (new 2023). For more information, see update information.

The quality standards on epilepsy in adults and epilepsy in children and young people replaced by this update are available as pdfs.