Consultation on the draft scope and provisional stakeholder list for the assessment of ‘Tumour profiling tests to guide adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in lymph node-positive early breast cancer’ (provisional title)

You are invited to comment on the draft scope and provisional stakeholder list.  The scope defines what the assessment will (and will not) cover.

The consultation closes on Tuesday 21 March 2023 at 5pm

How to comment

You should read/review the consultation documents, the draft scope and provisional stakeholder list.

Please add your comments to the comments form.

Once you have completed your comments, email the form to us at

About the consultation

NICE is interested in receiving comments around the following:

  1.  Please provide responses to the questions for consultation described in appendix A where possible.
  2.  Please consider whether anything has been omitted from the draft scope, or whether you have any other comments.
  3. Please consider whether within the scope there are any issues relevant to equalities. Please pay particular attention to any changes that need to be made to the scope in order to promote equality or eliminate unlawful discrimination, or if there is information which could be collected during the assessment process which will enable the Institute to take account of equalities issues when developing guidance.

What happens next

Following the consultation on the draft scope and provisional stakeholder list, NICE  will review the draft scope and provisional stakeholder list in response to the comments received. The final scope and stakeholder list will be published on the NICE website on 14 April 2023.

Please be aware the technologies included in the scope are only confirmed when the final scope is published.

Please note that comments will be published on the NICE website along with the name of the organisation who submitted the comments. The names of individuals who submit comments will not be published on the NICE website.

 Deadline: Tuesday 21 March 2023 at 5pm

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