Appendix A Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), the NICE project team and external contractors

Appendix A Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), the NICE project team and external contractors

Programme Development Group

PDG membership is multidisciplinary. The Group comprises public health practitioners, clinicians, local authority officers, teachers, social care professionals, representatives of the public, academics and technical experts as follows.

Ronald Akehurst (PDG member until June 2011) Dean of School, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield

Susan Biddle Joint Head of Healthy Communities Programme, Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) (until 2011), Independent Health and Wellbeing consultant (2012 onwards)

Matthew Capehorn Clinical Director, National Obesity Forum (NOF)

Erica Dobie Community Member

Chris Drinkwater President and Public Health Lead, NHS Alliance

Sara Ellis Community Member

Mark Exworthy Professor in Health Policy and Management, School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London

Gail Findlay London Health Commission Coordinator, Greater London Authority (until 2011); Director of Health Improvement, Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London (from 2011)

Marcus Grant (PDG member until June 2011) Deputy Director, World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Healthy Cities and Urban Policy

Tricia Harper (PDG member until October 2011) Independent Health Development Consultant

Jean Hughes (PDG member until June 2011) Consultant in Obesity Management

Philip Insall Director, Health, Sustrans

Susan Jebb (Chair) Head of Diet and Population Health, MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge

Andrew Jones Professor of Public Health, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia

Paul Lincoln Chief Executive, National Heart Forum

Patrick Myers Strategic Joint Commissioning Manager, Dorset County Council

Ian Reekie Community Member

Harry Rutter Director, English National Obesity Observatory

Andy Sutch Executive Director, Business in Sport and Leisure

Kate Trant (PDG member until June 2011) Senior Evidence and Learning advisor, Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)

Esther Trenchard-Mabere Associate Director of Public Health/Consultant in Public Health, NHS Tower Hamlets

Justin Varney Joint Assistant Director of Health Improvement/Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NHS Barking and Dagenham

Martin Wiseman Medical and Scientific Adviser, World Cancer Research Fund International; Visiting Professor in Human Nutrition, University of Southampton

Co-opted members

Steve Allender (PDG member from July 2011) Senior Researcher, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford; Associate Professor and Deputy Director, World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention, Deakin University, Australia

Ceri Philips (PDG member from July 2011) Professor of Health Economics and Deputy Head of School, Swansea University

NICE project team

Mike Kelly CPHE Director

Jane Huntley Associate Director

Adrienne Cullum Lead Analyst

Karen Peploe Analyst

Andrew Hoy Analyst

Caroline Mulvihill Analyst (until April 2011)

Alastair Fischer Technical Adviser, Health Economics

Emma Doohan Project Manager (until June 2011)

Victoria Axe Project Manager (from June 2011)

Palida Teelucknavan Coordinator (until December 2011)

Rukshana Begum Coordinator (from February 2012)

Sue Jelley Senior Editor (until August 2012)

Jaimella Espley Senior Editor (from August 2012)

Alison Lake Editor

James Hall Editor

External contractors

Evidence reviews

Review 1 was carried out by the Peninsula Technology Assessment Group (PenTAG). The principal authors were: Ruth Garside, Mark Pearson, Harriet Hunt, Tiffany Moxham and Rob Anderson.

Review 2 was carried out by PenTAG. The principal authors were: Harriet Hunt, Rob Anderson, Helen Coelho and Ruth Garside.

Review 3 was carried out by PenTAG. The principal authors were: Mark Pearson and Ruth Garside.

Cost effectiveness

The review of economic evaluations was carried out by PenTAG. The principal author was Rob Anderson.

Economic modelling was carried out by Rob Anderson of PenTAG and Martin Brown of the National Heart Forum.

Commissioned report

The commissioned report was carried out by Word of Mouth. The principal authors were: Graham Kelly, Dominic McVey and Adam Crosier.

See appendix E for the titles of the above reports.

Expert testimony

Expert paper 1 by Julian Pratt and Diane Plamping, Centre for Innovation in Health Management, Leeds University Business School.

Expert paper 2 by Linda Bauld, University of Bath.

Expert paper 3 by Jake Chapman, Demos.

Expert paper 4 Steve Allender, PDG co-opted member.

Expert paper 5 by Kim Hastie, Child Obesity National Support Team (until March 2011).

Expert paper 6 by Patrick Lingwood, Bedfordshire County Council.

Expert paper 7 by Judy White, Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Expert paper 8 by Alison Pearce and Adrian Renton, Well London and University of East London.

Expert paper 9 by Esther Trenchard-Mabere, PDG member.

Expert paper 10 by Olena Sawal, NHS Luton.

Expert paper 11 by Zsolt Schuller, Exeter Cycling Town.

Expert paper 12 by Carol Weir, NHS Rotherham.

Expert paper 13 by Andrew Taylor, Hull Primary Care Trust.

Expert paper 14 by Matthew Pearce, NHS South Gloucestershire.

Expert paper 15 by Gareth Dix, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly NHS.

Expert paper 16 by Adrian Coggins, NHS West Essex.

Expert paper 17 by Liz Messenger, NHS Kirklees.

Expert paper 18 by Mark Exworthy, PDG member.

Expert paper 19 by Boyd Swinburn, Deakin University.