NICE will assess digital technologies for self-management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to determine whether they can be recommended for use in the NHS while further data is collected, based on the available evidence and potential to be cost-effective and address unmet need in the NHS. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term and progressive respiratory condition that causes breathlessness, a persistent chesty cough, persistent wheezing and frequent chest infections. The term 'COPD' includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease. COPD mainly affects middle-aged or older adults who smoke, and many people do not realise they have it. The breathing problems experienced with COPD tend to get worse over time and can limit a person’s ability to undertake daily activities. There may also be periods when people may have flare-ups or exacerbations which can result in hospitalisation. Treatment may help control the condition and without treatment, the symptoms usually get progressively worse. COPD affects around 3 million people in the UK. It has been identified that many people with COPD experiencing exacerbations are presenting to services for support and treatment. This is utilizing NHS resources that could be allocated to another priority area if these people are provided with the tools to self-manage their condition at home. Furthermore, as prevalence is rising, the burden on the system is increasing. There is a strong case to suggest that using a digital platform to self-manage their COPD would improve outcomes and reduce presentations to emergency services. There is a clinical opportunity to provide self-management resources for COPD patients. Remote monitoring using digital platforms for people with moderate to severe COPD is of primary interest which would empower people with COPD to recognise signs and symptoms of deterioration more accurately, therefore promoting appropriate and timely escalation or appropriate self-care. The NICE early value assessment will evaluate innovative digital technologies for self-management of COPD. It will review the evidence that is available and assess the potential clinical and cost-effectiveness of the technologies, as well as identifying evidence gaps to help direct data collection.
Status In progress
Technology type Device
Decision Selected
Reason for decision Anticipate the topic will be of importance to patients, carers, professionals, commissioners and the health of the public to ensure clinical benefit is realised, inequalities in use addressed, and help them make the best use of NHS resources

Provisional Schedule

Resolution 19 November 2024
Expected publication 19 December 2024

Project Team

Project lead Catherine Pank

Email enquiries


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
23 September 2024 - 04 October 2024 Draft guidance: 2
25 June 2024 - 08 July 2024 Draft guidance
16 May 2024 Committee meeting
14 February 2024 Scope published
07 December 2023 In progress. Topic launched

For further information on our processes and methods, please see our early value assessment interim statement.