You can now review and comment on this draft guideline and proposed indicator.

The consultation closes on Thursday 05 October 2023 at 5pm

How to comment

1. Register your organisation or comment as an individual

If you’re commenting for an organisation, your organisation needs to be registered as a stakeholder.

Not eligible? Contact the stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests and pass your comments to them.

We can accept comments from individuals. These will be considered, but you won’t get a formal response and they won’t be posted on the NICE website. Wherever possible we encourage you to submit your comments through a registered stakeholder organisation.

2. Read the consultation documents

Documents to comment on:

If you want to review the economic model, please see 5. Economic models below and fill in the confidentiality form

Other information about the consultation

Developing NICE guidelines: how to get involved

3. Add your comments

  • You must use this comments form
  • You must declare any links with, or funding from, the tobacco industry

If you share similar views with another organisation, send a joint response.

Make sure you consider:

  • The areas that will have the biggest impact on practice and be challenging to implement
  • How to help users overcome challenges

Developing NICE guidelines: how to get involved suggests some other areas to comment on.

4. Email the form to us


Deadline: Thursday 05 October 2023 at 5pm

5. Economic model

The developer has produced an economic model to support the guideline on Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification - Escalation of Therapy. To receive an executable version of this model, please submit a request to with a signed copy of the confidentiality acknowledgement and undertaking form.

We will then send you a link to an executable version of the economic model by email. The deadline for returning your comments is the same as for the guideline consultation: Thursday 05 October 2023 at 5pm

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