Information for the public

Questions to ask

These questions may help you discuss your injuries or the tests and treatments you have been given with your healthcare team.

Finding out what's wrong (diagnosis)

  • Can you tell me more about the scans?

  • How long will it take to get the results of the scans?

  • Will I need to have an operation? If so, how will it help me? How long will it take to recover?

  • Will I need to be referred to another hospital?

  • What happens next?

About spinal injury

  • Can you tell me more about spinal injury?

  • Are there any support organisations in my local area?

  • Can you provide any information for my family/carers?

  • What can I do to help myself?

  • Will I need to take any medication?

  • Will I need to use a wheelchair?

For family members, friends or carers

  • What can I/we do to help and support the person with spinal injury?

  • Is there any additional support that I/we as carer(s) might benefit from or be entitled to?

  • Is there any information you need from me or that I can get for you?