Information for the public

Questions you could ask

If you have an eating disorder

  • Who should I speak to if I am worried I might have an eating disorder?

  • Can I talk to a professional in confidence about my eating problems? Who else will they need to tell?

  • Can you explain more about the type of eating disorder I have?

  • What treatments are there that could help me?

  • What if I don't want my parents or family involved in my treatment?

  • If I am under 18 can I make my own decisions about my care?

  • Can I stay at home during treatment or do I need to be admitted?

  • Where do I need to go for treatment?

  • Who will provide my treatment?

  • Will my weight change when I have treatment?

  • How will I know if treatment is working?

  • What do I do if treatment isn't working?

  • Where can I get support if I am moving to a new area?

If you care for someone with an eating disorder

  • What should I do if I am worried the person I care for has an eating disorder?

  • Can you tell me more about eating disorders and how to recognise them?

  • Can you tell me more about what kind of therapy could help?

  • How can I help the person I care for to recover?

  • Can you give me some advice on how to cope at mealtimes?

  • Can you tell me more about support for parents, families and carers?

  • What should I do if the person I care for does not want to have treatment?

  • Can you give me some information to take away?