Quality standard

Quality statements

Quality statements

Statement 1 Adults with suspected pancreatic cancer have their diagnosis and care agreed by a specialist pancreatic cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT).

Statement 2 Adults with localised pancreatic cancer on CT have staging using fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/CT (FDG‑PET/CT) before they have surgery, radiotherapy or systemic therapy.

Statement 3 Adults with resectable pancreatic cancer and obstructive jaundice have resectional surgery rather than preoperative biliary drainage unless the drainage is specifically indicated.

Statement 4 Adults with unresectable pancreatic cancer are prescribed enteric-coated pancreatin.

Statement 5 (placeholder) Effective interventions to address psychological needs.

NICE has developed guidance and a quality standard on patient experience in adult NHS services (see the NICE Pathway on patient experience in adult NHS services), which should be considered alongside these quality statements.

Other quality standards that should be considered when commissioning or providing pancreatic cancer services include the NICE quality standards on suspected cancer and end of life care for adults.

A full list of NICE quality standards is available from the quality standards topic library.